4th April (Wed)

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Today my mum and brother went to a science show thing. Basically there was loads of experiments to do, Matthew came back with slime and apparently they made ice cream with dry ice and to top it all off, they went to Prezzo afterwards and had a 3 course meal!

Me and Dad however, went to a job 'interview' at this fancy restaurant that I may possibly work at. It wasn't really an interview (that's why I put it in quotation marks) but more him asking questions and me answering. After the 'interview' we went for a drive in dad's Land Rover, which he is unexplainably proud of 😂 We talked about what we would do if a zombie apocalypse was real and came to the conclusion that they are lethargic, stupid and no real competition against agile, competent humans like ourselves! We also saved lamb which was crying outside of a gate so Dad popped it into the nearest field and hoped that it belonged to that farmer😅

To conclude an already great morning we went into a fancy bar/restaurant and I had a deliciously warm steak, caramelised onion and rocket sandwich which is making my mouth water just thinking about it again😋😋😋

When we got back me and Dad watched Sherlock Homes while waiting for Mum and Matthew. We were almost asleep when they got in and in the afternoon I talked to my friends, drew and halfheartedly packed. I'm going to regret doing that tomorrow when I will have to quickly shove some clothes into a bag and leave the house, hoping u didn't forget anything!

Kom tilbake i morgen 😘

P.S. Happy Birthday if your birthday is by chance today. You share a birthday with Robert Downey Jr., which is coincidentally cool because he played Sherlock in the film Dad and I watched!

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