23rd April (Mon)

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Today is a special day because...
-it is the 23/4, which I thought was kinda cool because it's 234*
-it's national take a chance day
-it's William Shakespeare's birthday (and consequently "talk like Shakespeare" day)
-some people think it is also Shakespeare's death day aswell
-it is St George's Day (don't ask me what it's about, all I know that George slayed a Dragon and that's it!)
-it is national lost dog awareness day, so if anyone wants to raise awareness for a dog they know that has been lost feel free to comment
-it's national cherry cheesecake day

The more you know!

See you tomorrow o (><)
P.S. I may have resorted to Googling what was special about today because I wanted more that 3 things so that's why there's a load of 'National (insert blank) days' on the list

*the little things impress me in life okay? Just deal with it!

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