10th March (Sat)

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Today was a very busy day so I'm going to write it in list for so it's easier for me to write and you to read...
1) Wake up
2) Have breakfast while dancing to music
3) Help Mum clean
4) Dance some more
5) Draw
6) Say hello to friends (as they have come over to my house)
7) Go to the bank with said friends and input cash
8) Have overpriced chips with friends
9) Do tap dancing while your friends watch (AKA be bored for 45 mins)
10) Get changed for work
11) Have beans on toast
12) Go to work, while Dad takes friends home
13) Do work stuff at work (take orders, clean tables, spill milk on yourself because a child is running up behind you e.t.c.)
14) Go home
15) Decide you need better shoes because the flimsy plimsolls you have at the moment suck!
16) Have a really nice crisp sandwich, because running on 4 chips and beans on toast was not a good idea, especially with a 5 hour shift and a huge party of people!
17) Sleep (well, that one is still yet to be completed. But it will definitely get ticked off as soon as I've finished this)

And that's basically a run down of my day in 17 quick and easy steps, see you tomorrow x

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