11th February (Sun)

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Okay, so I'm in bed, about to go to sleep when I remember I haven't written today's entry. So I'm currently straining my brain as to what happened today. It's also around 11:30, so if today is written badly, that's why.

Today I woke up at 10:00 (whoop for being lazy and sleeping in!) and then I did homework (boo for actually learning over half-term!) but I listened to Wham while doing it, so it's totally fine* 😆

I also watched Annie (The 1982 version not the cr*p with Will Smith that has the gall to call itself 'Annie' as if it can do the original any justice at all) and I really just love that film!

See you tomorrow 😜
P. S. Who cares what they're wearing on Main Street or Saville Row? It's what you wear from ear to ear and not from head to toe

*Well, not totally, because I still had to do it. But Wham makes everything that bit better, happier and funnier to do 💗💗💗

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