4th July (Wed)

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Today was the Ryman National Enterprise Challenge. It was held at the Telford International Centre and I had to get up at 5:00 to be there, and we were still an hour late 😂

We presented our piece in front of 3 judges who had the most annoying poker faces in the world! I think it went pretty well considering I haven't really learnt the script for our pitch at all. We had rip-off trousers with bright red sparsely leg warmers underneath - only we could get away with these kinds of things!

After lunch we went into a big area stadium thing and watched the two 'celebrities' from Diversity read out the first 5 schools that had won and then introduced the second biggest narcissist I've ever seen (I'll get the the first later): Theo Paphitis! He swore in front of children (baring in mind there were about 16,000 people in the arena and half of them are 11-13 🤦‍♀️) He also made sure all the camera time was on him and not the finalists and tried to make a joke but actually just ended-up making the whole audience feeling awkward! Theo decided it would be a good idea to blatantly and brazenly insult this school's campaign that they clearly worked very hard on and said he would just take their idea and sell it as a product in his own shop!

But that's not all...remember the biggest narcissist I was talking about? This guy's name was Brad Burton and OMG he's a word I cannot say! When he entered the stage he want happy with the polite clap that the students gave so Brad said "If you give me the screams and claps I deserve then I'll give you all a free-bee." So, naturally, the audience screamed and he read down into the audience and started throwing his own book about! By this point my friends and I were in tears, I don't think that's the type of response he was looking for and I know "if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all" but I couldn't help it - it was hilarious 😂

See you tomorrow xxx
P.S. Oh yeah, and he's meant to be the UK's no.1 Motivational Speaker 🤣🤣🤣
P.P.S. Happy Independence Day 🇺🇸

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