20th February (Tue)

24 0 9

Today I went to school and had and English lesson on apostrophes, capital letters and spellings. Baring in mind I'm in the top set I found it quite funny when my teacher said "It is astounding how many of you can't use capital letters and apostrophes correctly" and I just looked at my friend like: we got no grammer mistakes😏🤓

I can safely (and probably luckily) that I learnt nothing 😂 Although, I do have terrible spelling though; that's why I love 'writing' on a computer, because it just corrects all my spelling mistakes. It's great!

See you tomorrow x
P.S. I'm sorry all I write about is school and YouTube. I did warn you that my life is dull and repetitive and I'm impressed that your still reading this to be honest
P.P.S. I was debating weather to write 'to be honest' as 'tbh' or 'to be honest', I obviously went with the latter. But then I had a thought, what has my life come to where I am debating weather to abbreviate 'to be honest' or not???

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