12th June (Tue)

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Today we went to St Patrick's Cathedral, which was very beautiful and then went to 5th Avenue and did some shopping!

Dad went to the FDNY* shop because he's a fireman and I managed to find my area badge out of the hundreds that adore the interior walls of that shop and I'm so proud of myself!

We then passed Radio City and mum bought a beautiful necklace from Tiffany and Co.

Then we went all the way up Rockefeller Center which had splendid views of all over NYC but most of all, Central Park. I can't wait until we actually go into Central Park because if it's anything like it looks above...it should be beautiful!

See you tomorrow ( ˘ ³˘)
P.S. Today was also my first yellow cab ride and we were all very exited, I feel sorry for our driver (who was very nice by the way!)

*Fire Department of the City of New York

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