29th April (Sun)

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Today I did my Grade 3 Tap exam today and even though I made mistakes I've never made before in the entire time I've done dance, I think it went pretty well 😂 The examiner was really nice and send me about school and stuff but there was one main problem with the whole thing...IT WAS FREEZING IN THERE! The music controller person and the examiner were both shivering and they were wearing a jumper and a coat each, so when we went out in our leotards I gasped out of shock and closed my mouth instantly again, so much for a great first impression😅

When I got home I just kinda layer on the sofa and didn't come off again until tea time 😂 it was so good to just chill out for once!

Bis morgen 😘

P.S. My dance teacher does our hair before we go in and she does it so tight that it gives you a headache. When I took my hair out after the exam, even though my hair wasn't wet and she didn't put any hairspray or gel or anything in my hair there were still super sight waves in my hair! I looked like Kate Bush on steroids 😂

Basically a Diary, 2018 (#1)Where stories live. Discover now