20th June (Wed)

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Today I had an English Language exam* which I thought I was prepared for, but I really wasn't! I missed out 2 and a half key questions and spent way too long on the last question (because it has the most marks) leaving little to no time for the rest. I'd be despised if I got 1/4 of the total marks to be honest and I'm really disappointed in myself. I know I can do better than whatever the hell I wrote on that piece of paper this morning.

Anyway, I'll just have to knuckle down and make sure I don't completely fail the other exams and I'll be fine (hopefully)

See you tomorrow 😘☺️😜

*I'm just going to call them exams. I know they're just Mock Exams and don't really count for a GCSE or anything but it's easier this way😜

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