16th June (Sat)

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Today was going to be a really busy day because I planned to work, dance, work again at a different place and somehow find time to eat food during all of that, and I was kinda dreading it!

But actual I only worked 1 hour at the Diner, since it was so dead and they had extra people on anyway. Therefore, I had loads of time before dancing so I wrote Dad's Father's Day card and did some maths revision (not getting sidetracked this time 😅)

I then went for a trial at a place closer to where I live and they are all super nice. They put me on washing up, and even that was hard! They all helped me though when there were lots of plates to do, but even so...boy did I need a lie down!

So we poped into town when Mm picked me up and got some petzels and watched 24 hours on Police Custody before going to bed

Wróć jutro 😘😘😘

Basically a Diary, 2018 (#1)Where stories live. Discover now