18th June (Mon)

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Today I went back to school and I was so pleased to see all my friends! I missed them so much and (judging by the way they almost suffocated me with hugs as soon as I walked trough the door) I think they missed me as well 😂

My friend also showed me this revision website (also a free app) called Quizlet. You can sign up for free and get online revision cards. You can make them yourself, use ones other people have made, join classes/groups where you can share revision "sets" as they call them on Quizlet and there are even in-built games for all sets of 'cards' just to help it stick in your brain. All for free and a simple easy way to store and use revision cards, all in one place! #NotSponsered

See ya tomozzels (⌒▽⌒)

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