18th March (Sun)

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Today I woke up pretty early considering how tired I was last night. My friend and mines room is nice and neat, and all our stuff was ready to pickup and go if we needed to. Unfortunately, that could not be said for my other two friends! Their room looked like a bomb had gone off, I feel like it's some sort of skill to to mess up a bedroom that badly in one night.

We were all in the lift together and for some reason she decides to lay on the floor, I have no idea why but she is*. When the lift doors open onto our floor who stands there none other that the teacher who she called a child! Let me show you how that interaction went:
Sir: *looks super confused*
Sir: Why are you on the floor?
Friend: *looks up*
Friend: *starts laughing*
Friend: I don't know
Sir: You don't know why you're on the floor...that's even more concerning!
Us:*Completely lost control and can no-longer breath because we're laughing too much*

Anyway, we finally got home today thanks to the snow melting. And although I do miss my friends already, it sure is nice to be in my own bed 😂

See you tomorrow x

*she's like that (btw follow her 123123blink she's fabulous!)

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