28th January (Sun)

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Today I (kind of) finished the shoe draws I mentioned, and I'm please with it

My Mum's friend came over and we had lunch. It was nice to talk to her again, we also watched Yogi Bear (insert Yogi impression here)

I also talked to my friends* for 2 hours without even realising. Who knew I could put up with them for that long? Not me😒

Come back tomorrow 😘
P.S. Did you see that guy's tap shoe? It was so nice! I want a pair for myself!
P.P.S. He wasn't wearing socks-WHAT THE HELL MAN???
P.P.P.S. Do you think the shoe cupboard looks better with dots, or without?
P.P.P.P.S. I was just joking, I love my friends💗Every single one of them, and I would be so lost without them xxx

*Hayyy Amy & Sophie *finger guns*

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