8th May (Tue)

3 0 0

Today I woke up feeling like death, which was probably expected because it was 3:30. Yes, that's right I woke up at 3:30 thanks to this squarking bird outside my window, I went back to sleep at 6:00 but I woke up again at 6:30 so I had a restful night's sleep (NOT!)

Anyway, I got through the day and then I had sausages and pasta for tea. After that, I was left alone because my brother went to scouts, my Mum and Dad went out for a walk and I had maths homework to do.

Anyway, I'm going to stop there because those 2 chapters were 100 words and I didn't want to add anymore 😂

Ci vediamo domani 😘😘😘

Basically a Diary, 2018 (#1)Where stories live. Discover now