6 & 7th June (Wed & Thurs)

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Today I decided to roll yesterday and today into one entry because I felt like it.

We have been preparing for NYC and received more money from grandma to spend. Dad got a fancy selfie-stick which he is very proud of, to be fair it is quite cool with a mini remote control thing to take photos and a 'tripod mode'.

But the thing I am most exited by is the fact that I got some travelling trousers! They're blue and white (which are my favourite clothes colours), they're not too tight that there uncomfortable but not too baggy that they annoy me, they're made out of super soft material which I want my bedsheets to be made out of and the cherry on top of this already fabulous cake...? POCKETS!!!

What a fabulous find, now I'm just exited for traveling but I've got a mountain if packing to get through first!

With me luck and I'll see you tomorrow x

Basically a Diary, 2018 (#1)Where stories live. Discover now