11th May (Fri)

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If you thought I didn't do anything interesting yesterday apart from scream constantly, then I really didn't do anything today. I watched some more Friends, ate spaghetti bolognese for tea then did some English Revision, which today, consists of reading 'The no.1 Ladies Detective Agency' and so far, it's pretty good.

So, as per 'Basically a Diary' tradition, I've done another quiz for you. I know this is not what you signed up for and I'm sorry, but personally if we swapped shoes then I would want to know that they are still making an effort but if it's annoying or you would rather have a shorter entry please let me know. I may be amazing, but I'm not a mind reader 😂

Name the book/play which these characters are from (I've also put their publication dates as a hint):

1) Marvin the Paranoid Android (1979)
2) Puck (1595)
3) Fern Arable (1952)
4) Ebenezer Scrooge (1854)
5) Claudius Templesmith (2008)
6) Benvolio (1579)
7) Miranda Priestly (2003)
8) Alice (1865)
9) Doctor John Parker Hammond (1990)
10) Gregory Heffley (2007)


1) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
2) A Midsummer Night's Dream
3) Charlotte's Web
4) A Christmas Carol
5) The Hunger Games
6) Romeo and Juliet
7) The Devil Wears Prada
8) Alice in Wonderland
9) Jurassic Park
10) Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Let me know how you did and I'd love to see you again tomorrow 💖

Basically a Diary, 2018 (#1)Where stories live. Discover now