1st March (Thurs)

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Today it snowed so I didn't have to go to school. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I am actually missing school. I miss my friends, teachers*, and even the annoying kids. It's weird but I just miss the way they get on my nerves? How weird is that?! Anyway, I'm just hoping school is open tomorrow the forecast keeps changing so we'll just have to wait-and-see. But if it's not open I'm going to walk round and help them shuffle snow 😂

My mum was ill yesterday, and today I think she's passed something onto me because my skin started to hurt against my clothes and I just feel dead in general. But hopefully I can go to school tomorrow and I'll feel fine and everything will be back to normal🤞

Me and mum played battleships and then watched 'Shakespeare and Hathaway'. It's a detective show like 'Death in Paradise' only set in London and with better plots (but they're still really predictable)

See you tomorrow 😘
P.S. I would put a picture of the snow at the top but I think you know what snow looks like by now 😂

*well, not all of them. Just some!

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