21st March (Wed)

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Today we got a new seating plan in science. Me and a friend are now BY THE HEATER. How thrilling is that?! Okay, maybe not that thrilling. Just goes to show how exciting my day was.

Funniest thing? My friends are in a concert tonight, which I couldn't go to or I'd die of laughter, and at lunchtime I witnessed them practising for it, on the stage. Their anger was irrepressible. Sometimes I wonder if they get paid. The music teacher, young, unattractive and inefficient, was clearly in a state of high panic. He was getting redder and redder, adjusting his collar and blowing so hard on his clarinet that it squeaked. Not joking when I say that I hope he hasn't got wattpad. None of my friends are very flattering with the descriptions they think I should include.

See you tomorrow 😂
P.S. This was written by Becca, my science-by-the-heater-buddy 🥊 because I'm too lazy ☺️

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