26th June (Tue)

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Today there was an annual authority meeting at the YDNPA and all they had planned for me to to today was to sit in on that. The first 10 minutes were quite interesting, then I got bored and I was in there for 2 hours! To give you a rundown of what happened: imagine a load of old, white, rich people and politicians sitting around in a square talking about things you have no idea about, let alone an opinion; that's what I was sat in for 2 hours 😂

I would have been in there longer but I managed to escape for lunch and just never went back in! I was going around asking for jobs to do and I eventually counted gloves ready for a Young Rangers Expedition on Monday and some other odd jobs that no one else wanted to do

So yeah, that was my day. Tomorrow should hopefully be a bit more interesting because there's a BBC thingy-ma-joga happening but I'll probably talk more about that when it happens

Come back tomorrow ♥️

Basically a Diary, 2018 (#1)Where stories live. Discover now