17th April (Tue)

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Today, in my French lesson Miss thought it would be a good idea to introduce 'cake Tuesday' where each member of the class brings in a cake or biscuits or brownies or flapjacks or whatever to share with the rest of the class during the lesson, every Tuesday. I said to back out of it and no-body make me anything because people don't know what I can and can't have and it also means they can't buy stuff from a shop (because they always have milk in) so that also means I don't have to bring anything in as well. But being the fabulous person that she was, my teacher bought a big bag of little bags of Jaffa cakes for me to have so I don't feel left out☺️ So that means I never have to bring food in for everyone and I get a free pack of Jaffa cakes...Result!

See you tomorrow 🌄

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