22nd February (Thurs)

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Today I had a French test, then a maths lesson, then a media studies lesson; Which you can probably imagine my feeling about...😑

Okay...boring bit out the way*, I also kept on thinking it was Friday today. I had exactly the same conversation with myself every time: "Ooh yay, today's Friday!" or "At least it's Friday" or "Whoop, I get to sleep in tomorrow!" and then I realise "Oh...it's Thursday" 😩

I also started listening to 'A Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy' and so far it's better than I thought it would be. I was pleasantly surprised at how depressingly relatable the main character is 😂

Tuonane kesho☺️

*who am I kidding, this whole thing is boring 😂🤔😐😭

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