Sweet Talkin' Woman - ELO
"And that, ladies and gentlemen, it how a single celled organism can grow up to 8 centimeters long"
Last period. I didn't understand why we couldn't learn about something cool in this class. Like space. I couldn't wait until after this class. I loved science, but not this kind. If Mr. Clarke talked any longer about single celled organisms, my brain would have exploded.
Fortunately, the bell rang. People bounded out of the classroom from everywhere around me. I looked at Mr. Clarke with pity, "have a nice night Mr. Clarke."
He sent a wave and a smile my way, "you too, Brandy."
I smiled and began to walk out of his class. He hollered back at me, "wait! Brandy! I almost forgot!"
I whipped my head back around, a big smile on my face.
"Did it come?"
Mr. Clarke nodded slowly.
"Well what the hell are we waiting for!? Can I see it!?"
Mr. Clarke held out a finger to me, signalling for me to wait a moment. He walked into his storage closet and came back out with a huge telescope in his arms.
My mouth gaped open. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and walked towards the nicest telescope I'd ever seen.
"Holy shit, Mr. Clarke." I reached out to run my hand along the machine, brushing it with caution. I pulled my hand back and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, my eyes never leaving the beautiful ticket to outer space.
"Language, Brandy," Mr. Clarke scolded.
I looked up at him, "right. Sorry. My bad."
Mr. Clarke had ordered a telescope weeks before for the space club. Unfortunately, I was the only member of the space club. The district didn't know that, though, and happily agreed to get the telescope so the 'large school club could really get into astronomy'. Little did any of them know there was only one girl in the small town who seemed to have her head in the stars, and that was me. I wasn't an odd ball girl because of it, but I didn't tell anyone else about my personal club. Nobody needed to know about it. It was unnecessary.
"Oh my gosh, Mr. Clarke. When can I test it out? I bet you can see Satern from here!"
"Think bigger," Mr. Clarke said.
Mr. Clarke nodded, a big smile on his face.
Even if he could just get one student involved in the wonderful science of astronomy, it made his heavy job as a teacher worth it.
I didn't notice a figure silently creep into the doorway, and continued to gush about the magnificent telescope.
"This model has to be highly sophisticated. I know it's nothing compared to the IRAM 30-m telescope in Spain, but it sure is something for Derry Maine. You never said when I can test it out. Isn't there supposed to be a clear sky this Saturday? There is. Can I try it then? Please Mr. Clarke? I'd try it out tonight, but there are some scattered clouds. Plus, it's a Friday, and I have plans. Oh shit I have plans I completely forgot. I've got to go, bye Mr. Clarke!"
I stopped rambling and turned on my heal to leave. Shit. Eddie had probably been waiting for like ten minutes. I didn't want him to have to go home and face his mother.
I looked up to see someone was blocking my exit.
Then I realized who was standing there.