Eddie and Freddie's friendship over the years.
-Eddie ends up coming over a lot after him and Brandy come out as dating
-Freddie supports it
-Eddie coming over when Brandy wasn't home to hang out with Freddie
-Freddie giving him advice
-it becoming a thing
-Eddie and Freddie having weekly conversations where Eddie talks about life and Freddie gives him advice and products to help him be cooler
-Freddie found a child to mother
-(the child was Eddie)
-Freddie driving Eddie places
-"hey Brandy. We went to the grocery store and I bought you some pretty eye shadow because I know how much you love it."
-"Eddie why the fuck did you go to the grocery store with my brother?"
-"BECAUSE WE'RE BEST FRIENDS!!!" Freddie calls from halfway across the house
-Brandy walking to her room and closing the door, shaking her head
-"FUCK OFF, BRANDY WE'RE TALKING ABOUT MANLY STUFF - so to make your hair look perfect use this shit. It'll make you look like a god, Eddie. A god!"
-Brandy rolling her eyes and walking to her room
-eddie coming into her room ten minutes later lookin like a snacc
-"what the fuck did you do to your hair?"
-Eddie furrowing his eyebrows, "you don't like it?"
-him sitting next to Brandy and her running her hands through his hair, giggling and planting a small kiss on his nose
-"i love anything on you"
-Eddie smirking, "can't relate. i prefer things off of you"
-Freddie barging in, "GET IT!!!!1!1!"
-"what happened to you not liking my boyfriends!?"
-"Well none of your other boyfriends were good enough for you. Eddie, on the contrary, is the only human being on the earth I think is almost as good as you, so I support it."