Tree Bros- Happy Birthday, Evan!

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I stare at the clock as it slowly counts the hours. It is currently 4:55. Connor was supposed to be here almost half an hour ago. I sigh and wrap myself in the blanket I had beside me. I almost start crying before I hear a knock on the door. I jump up and answer the door. Connor stands on the porch with something behind his back.

"Connor! You made it! I was starting to think you weren't coming."

"Yeah, sorry. I had to pick something up and that took a while, also traffic was really messy."

I pull him inside. "So, you brought me something?"

"Mhm." He pulls a medium to small gift box out from behind his back and hands it to me.

I open it and gasp. I pull out a bonsai tree. "Oh my God! Connor! I love it!"

He smiles widely. "I knew you would."

I sit on the couch and put the tree in my lap. I fiddle with the small branches. "Oh, I can't wait to take care of you!"

Connor giggles. "Me or the tree?"

"The tree."

"What, what about me?" He sits beside me.

I look him. "I'll take care of you, I promise, but you have to promise to take care of me too."

He puts his arm around me, puts my head on his shoulder and kisses it. "Of course I do, Evan. For forever and for always, I'll be here. I promise."

"Thank you. For the tree and what you said. I love you."

"And I love you." He kisses my head again. "So, when is your mom coming home?"

"She said she'd be coming home at seven. It was the earliest she could get off."

"Oh. Should I order a pizza or something?"

"Mom says she'd pick something up on the way home."

"Text her and say to come right home. I'm ordering pizza."

"No it's okay. You don't have to."

"How often does she get a break? How often does she get off early?"

"Uh, almost never?"

"Exactly, which is why she'll enjoy the time off."

"Okay, I'll text her, but there is no guarantee she'll get it."

Mom walks through door and closes it behind her. "Evan! I'm home!"

I run to her and hug her.

She laughs and wraps her arms around me in return. "Hello, baby. Happy birthday!"

"Thank you."

"Oh." Mom says. I look up at my mom who's looking at the entry to kitchen. "Hi Connor."

"Hey." He's leaning nonchalantly on the door frame of the kitchen.

I break the hug.

"So you two ordered pizza?" Mom says and puts her hands on her hips.

I nod. "It should be here soon."

"Good, cause I'm starving." She heads up stairs.

Connor sits on the couch and pulls me onto his lap. He nuzzles my neck. "Does my smol bean know how much I love him?"

I blush. "I-I'm not small. I'm like five six."

"That's still small!"

I pout. "No it's not. It's perfectly average."

Mom comes down with a gift bag in her hand. "Okay, birthday boy. Time to open up my present." She hands it to me and sits on the floor. Take out the tissue paper and inside sits not one, but two things. I pull out the thing on top. A koala onesie unfolds into my lap. I giggle. "I love it!" I reach into the bag again. I pull out a book. It's the third book to a series I'm reading. "Thank you so much! I love them!"

"Your welcome."

I put my gifts back in the bag and hug my mom. "I love you so much!"

"I love you too, Evan."

The doorbell rings and Connor gets up. "That's probably the pizza." He heads to the door and sure enough, when he opens it, it's the pizza guy.

I head up to my room to put mom's presents by Connor's.

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