Chapter 2

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As Sophia stepped out of the cab she eyed a plain, grey building with the name Golden printed in big bold letters on a sign attached to the building above the marquee. The façade was made of stone blocks that were worn with age, but not appearing run down.

After paying her fair she entered through the front doors that led to the narrow, unadorned main lobby which looked like something out of Old Spain.

There was an attendant standing behind a counter. His young, freckled face was framed with copper red hair. Sophia approached him and looked into his green eyes to tell him she was there for the tryout and asked, "Where should I go?"

"You're very pretty, he remarked. I wish you luck. The other try outs and the director are over there in the auditorium. "

"Thank you." Sophia replied.

In the auditorium there's over thirty tryouts reading the script. It was a well lit room with a balcony, a full orchestra area, and a square-shaped stage studded with several stage lights around and above it, with a backdrop of black brocade curtains. As her eyes gazed towards the ceiling a beautiful wrought iron chandelier hung above it all.

She noticed a pile of scripts lying on a table next to the stage staircase and picked one up then sat down in an aisle seat next to another woman who was lost in her reading.

As Sophia began reading her script the woman next to her, with extended hand, whispered, "Hi, my name is Tracy, Tracy Elmwood."

"My name is Sophia Patterson," she responded with a smile, and accepted the handshake.

"We don't have much time to study before it's our turn," whispered Tracy, "but after would you like to have coffee?"


Names were called, over the next long two and a half hours belonging to the eager participants. Tracy was called to the stage and she began her lines. She did quite well. And when she was done she was asked to take a seat. Sophia got up and after her tryout she was asked to take a seat too.

With the tryouts over, the director introduced himself to the new cast. His greying brown hair was full and shoulder length, tucked behind his ears; a gold post earring stood out on in his right ear. A brown beret tilted on his head. The green turtle neck sweater, stretched tightly over his round belly, hung over his baggy beige pants. As he paced his sneakers would squeak on the wood floor.

"My name is Simon Weller and I have been a director for fifteen years. And it is my pleasure to inform you that you will be assigned parts and rehearsals are three nights a week for the next four weeks. That would be every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. We will start at seven p.m. and end at nine-thirty during the week and from three p.m. to nine-thirty on Saturdays."

"I look forward to working with you and good night."

Tracy and Sophia happily made their way out of the auditorium and the freckled faced attendant in the lobby said "I guess I'll be seeing you two around. My name is Kurt, if you ever need anything; and congratulations!"

"Well thanks and have a good afternoon," Tracy and Sophia chorused. "We are going for some coffee."

Making their way out through the entrance they saw a crow walking on a car roof across the street prompting Tracy to remark, "It looks like the crow has a jewel in its beak."

"Maybe it's Morrigan here to protect you or maybe it's a little thief," Sophia suggested with a chuckle.

"Ha-ha. Maybe it's the latter," Tracy said with a smile as she eyed it again to see it fly away.

"So, where are we going?" Sophia asked.

"I was thinking of The Café Cranberry. I've never been there but I hear it's good."

"It's 115 so let's go this way."

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