Chapter 24

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She began to relax as she watched the screen. Past events rushed by so fast it was blurred then a scene began to form. It looked like a chamber with two people in it; then the characters became animated and she could hear them speak.

In the royal bed chamber the queen lay in her husband's arms after making love and said, "Dear king I have waited for this moment for so long and I love you deeply."

She licked his neck and kissed his chest while she slowly moved her hand down his stomach and lower. Brushing her sweaty wet hair from her face she sat up and after a long, long gaze, she threw her arms around him again, and clasped him to her heart. His blue eyes were illumined by the moonlight as he smiled while kissing the palms of her hands.

Almost moved to tears he softly said, "My dear Aisha, my queen; I'm yours eternally. I love making love to you. You bring my soul peace and I surrender my life to you and you alone."

A wave of passion filled them again and then they slept under an ocean of silk sheets and embroidered covers in the afterglow of a fire that had warmed the cold chamber.

It was an ending to what had been a day for celebration; full of nobility, joy and revelry. The king and queen had married and would rule with honor and fairness.

The people rejoiced and partied well beyond the late hours of the evening; then silence overtook the surrounding villages. A peaceful slumber fell on the land.

The lights outside the temples were extinguished and none stirred except the spirits of the night.

Soon the queen had a child and was the apple of her parent's eyes. She was both beautiful and perfect and the name chosen was one Aisha thought befitting if she had a girl.

I shall call her Brinah. Princess Brinah. How does that sound? Do you like the name my lord?

Nawzak responded, "We are of one mind my love. As you like. It is a beautiful name and I'm honored to bring a new soul into the world with you."

He gently stroked his queens hair as she lay in bed with their new born wrapped in a white soft blanket resting on her one arm and her other arm free to run her fingers through his beard.

"My queen, your love makes me feel as though I'm in a perpetual heaven. I didn't believe I could go higher and now I see anything is possible with you by my side. "

He leaned in to kiss her as the chamber maid came in to help with the Queen's and princess's needs and with that Nawzak sensed it a good time to leave and fell asleep in his study.

The whole kingdom was happy because of their rule and there were good relations between nations as well. Trade was balanced, all could achieve success and none felt fear of repression.

One day Nawzak declared to Aisha, "I am to see my brother this afternoon. Hopefully I'll be back later in the evening. He claims to have matters of great importance to discuss with me. "

Traveling on horseback with his guards the king arrived at the prince's castle and entered through the large ornamented metal gates. Soldiers came up to greet them and helped them with their horses as they dismounted and the king entered the castle to seek out Neshma, his brother; the prince.

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