Chapter 28

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Middle earth is a place of peace with enlightened beings dwelling in a magnificent ancient city that is protected by frequency shields located at the North and South Pole. The poles are where entry is commonly made by welcomed visitors but there are tunnels and caves located throughout the earth's surface where one can enter too. It's a dangerous and perilous trip.

A battalion of Lunacian's readied for the journey upon receiving the order to begin the invasion of the middle earth. Mato Grasso, Brazil was the chosen point of entry, and an experienced guide was found. He lived in a huge cavern alongside a tunnel that led into the middle earth. The commander met with this guide to contract his services. He agreed to the task but not without first warning of the dangers they faced; which they soon discovered first hand.

Laden with supplies, their journey began. A couple of miles in the commander and soldier's communications equipment stopped working; it was like something in the air had taken control of them. They couldn't send or receive signals to or from their ships. Next their light source stopped working. Through foresight, the guide had brought phosphorous orbs for the men to wear around their necks; its glow reached about four feet. It helped but he didn't have enough for all. The frequency equipment stopped working too.

As they ventured further into the dark zone, within it was an unavoidable horror; the enclave of the violent beasts. They were known to hunt people on the surface and in the caves for sport and food. They were smelly, disgusting, bloodthirsty, wild beings that appeared to be mutated humanoids but no one had ever been able to verify what they were. The guide, like most, believed they were possessed by demons.

In spite of vigilant sentries, the soldiers repeatedly fell to surprise attacks from the cunning beasts. When the guards fired off their laser weapons, the beasts disappeared by transforming into the rock of the tunnel.

One of their aggressive assaults was to pounce out of nowhere, to startle the men into a panic. If they stampeded, the men that got separated were herded and cornered. Their screams were useless as they came face to face with a large number of beasts that awaited them in the dark.

The unlucky were overpowered and thrown to the ground; the beasts would rip the men's throats open and tear their guts outs. The smell of blood filled the air. The search party found nothing to bury but body parts left strewn about on the tunnel walls and floor; all of the bodies had been dragged off.

The Lunacian's couldn't shift into the beast's frequency and were at a loss to fight them. After losing several platoons from these attacks the survivors carried on and hastened deeper into the twilight, escaping the beast's territory.

Over the many, many miles, they found some of the tunnel had smooth walls and floor and in other parts they were crudely built; lacking symmetry with an unequal floor. The guide remarked that these caves were built by different groups of visitors.

The tunnel widened into a large chamber with illuminated walls, and on smooth slabs of rock, equipment set; very archaic technology left behind by some travelers. The men pushed buttons in an attempt to start them up but found they wouldn't and wondered if it was from being in a dead zone.

"These caves have been used by many for different reasons," said the guide.

"How old are they?" the commander asked.

"Some say they were built before there was life on the surface; and others were built by ancient beings escaping surface calamities and for exploration within the earth. I have come across many finds like these scattered throughout the tunnels," he responded.

"How much longer till we reach middle earth?"

"We will be arriving soon. It's also known as Shambhala and the capital is called Agharta."

"Let's continue for a while and then set up a camp so the men can eat and rest."

They pressed on and found their light source and some of their frequency equipment began to work again and with great elation they celebrated with cheers and drink. "We have left the dead zone and are approaching the inner world's network," the commander determined.

"The guide told him that we will come upon a portal that leads into the Kingdom of Agharta. You can only enter it if you are pure of mind, so how are you men going to pull that off?"

Sitting on a jacket folded into a makeshift cushion, the commander leaned against the tunnel wall. "Our frequency equipment is working again and that's how we're going to resolve it," he replied, with a sly grin.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2018 ⏰

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