Chapter 14

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Somewhere in the galaxy of the ninth non-physical plane is the planet Lanoc, where Nawzak lives. The minty green moon was full as it peeked out from behind a shroud of billowy clouds as night fell on an ancient castle, in the capital city Ein. Nawzak sat on his throne and next to it was an empty throne meant for his Queen.

He listened as his second in command, Balda, informed him that they had lost the queen's frequency on the planet earth which meant that she had been transported out of the physical galaxy. But they were working on finding her new location.

"So, you've slipped through my fingers again my sweet;" Nawzak's thought's swirled in his head. "I've waited centuries for your incarnation and now where are you? I love you more than life. Why can't you see? When will you return to me?"

A huge fire roared with flames of red and blue. He kicked at the wood and in a crackling explosion sparks flew and spread out on to the stone floor. Nawzak gulped down some more of his drink then he threw his goblet at the metallic wall with such force it's flattened and fell to the floor.

"You bungling ass! How did this come to be? You were supposed to have brought her to me by now. She was right there and now you don't know where she is?" Nawzak screamed and continued his excoriating rant. "If you value your life and family you had better find her or else!"

"The Krosian's were protecting her so vigilantly we were denied taking her, my lord. And inter-dimensional guides protect her too. It's hard to get to her!"

As beads of sweat dripped from his brow he begged for forgiveness. I will succeed," Balda vowed with trepidation.

"Bring me the Krosian physicist now. I must know the status of the negative polarity project," Nawzak barked.

"Yes, my lord!" Balda said as he backed away towards the door to leave the room.

The physicist entered the chamber. His glasses reflected the firelight and his wild white hair looked like he used an egg beater on it. He submissively approached the king and waited to be addressed.

Nawzack stared out a window at the night sky looking into the darkness knowing that his every move was being watched. With his hands clasped behind his back he slowly turned around. His brow was deeply buckled in thought.

"So how are you progressing on the weapon?"

"I have a small scale prototype built and it's testing well, so my assistants and engineers can build the actual model. It hasn't been done before but the science is good and the experiments have worked so far. I have built a radiation barrier while I experiment and for the ship it will be loaded on."

"Okay, I need for this thing to really work and soon." Nawzak declared, knowing that time was running short before the opposition will try to stop him.

"It will be a very powerful machine, my lord!"

"Very good. Let me know when it's done,"

Nawzak gestured him to leave.

"Balda!" Nawzak screamed.

Balda returned to the chamber, "Yes my king."

"I recall that on earth the queen lived with someone."

"Yes, the queen lived with a woman. A relative I believe to be her aunt."

"Where is this aunt?" Nawzak asked, thinking that she could be a useful tool.

"They moved her from New York and sent her somewhere in the middle earth."

"Very well, I will go earth to find this aunt.

 Ready the ship; we'll go in the morning."

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