Chapter 13

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The women ran as fast as they could up the stairs to have Jason waiting with the door open and he slammed it shut behind them.

"Well, what happened tonight answered my question about how much Nawzack knows."

"I contacted my commander and we're going to get you off this planet and bring you to ours Sophia."

"Will you bring my Aunt?"

Before Jason could answer Sophia's cell phone rings.

"Yes Rose, what's up? Are you okay?"

On the other end, Rose's voice was trembling as she declared that, "It's not as she has been kidnapped and didn't know where she was but there was a huge fight and bolts of electricity were flying everywhere. I fainted and woke up here and I don't know where I am!"

"Tell your Aunt she's safe." 

With that said Sophia hugged Jason tightly and thanked him over and over again.

Tracy hugged Sophia too and tearfully said, "Darling we'll be okay."

"You can't go home for a while but I have everything you need for your journey."

"Can you come too?"

"No, I'm staying here and we won't be in the play," Tracy said with a smile. "I'll call the theatre tomorrow."

"Jason, does Sophia have time to rest?"

"Yes, for an hour at most."

"Sophia, let's sit on the couch and try to relax. Want some wine?"

"Please. Yes I would."

Sipping her wine Sophia sighed, "Why can't some men get it through their heads that people change and what once was is over? Do you think there's a galactic dating service for King's? "

"Aw, it's good to hear your sense of humor; don't ever lose it."

As it was time to prepare Sophia for the journey Tracy walked towards her bedroom and beckoned Sophia, "Follow me. I have a special article of clothing to show you and for you to put on.

"Here you go luv. " Tracy handed her a blue indigo jump suit. "Since we're the same size shoe wear these."

Heading back to the living room she added, "Call me if you need me."

Sophia removed her outer garments and put on the jumpsuit. After zipping it up she stared at her image in the mirror. "Oh, that's form fitting!" Then she slipped on the shoes which were more like boots and they fit.

Back to the living room she walked and declared to Tracy how much she liked this new look.

"I'll be traveling to the fourth non-physical plane of existence! Wow! Have you been there Tracy?"

"I have once with Jason but only in my astral form and all I can say is it was fantastic! It's kind of like here but not. You'll see for yourself. "

"What kind of form? What do you mean? And can I breathe there?"

"Yes, dear, you'll be fine." 

Jason added, "You will have to go through some metabolic changes. We have a machine for your transformation."

"Is it like decompression?" Sophia asked.

"No, it's different. Remember you will be in a non-physical environment. You will be made less dense."

"Hold on. They're here." Jason informed.

"Ok. Tracy here's the keys to my Aunts home if you need it. Oh, here's my cell phone so please call Gary Ian for us too and tell him what's happened."

"Don't worry; you will still be able to contact us any time you want. We have ways you've never dreamed of yet."

Jason led Sophia to the center of the room and stood back as a circle of energy waves surrounded her. Looking at Tracy, her eyes widened as she faded into a thinning mass of atoms and molecules that vanished into a white luminescent sphere of fading light.

"She's on board."

With a sigh Tracy said." I'm excited and worried about this journey she's on. Now I see why our paths crossed."

"Yes, the veil will be lifted as she starts to learn more about herself in our world."

"And Rose?"

"She's gone to the inner earth for now." Jason replied.

Tracy and Jason stared into each other's eyes and telepathically exchanged "I love you." In a moments time their skin began to glow. As they moved closer their body's molecular structure dispersed into a billion light points of swirling energy; then, they merged as one.

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