Chapter 5

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Sophia closed the shop for lunch and walked to a small park nearby. There was a path that led to a group of park benches in the middle of a circle of trees. She watched a Frisbee glide into the hands of a young boy; who with his friends were laughing and running around the field.

As she sat down on a bench she rested her head on her hand. The rays of sunlight warmed her face and with each breath she took in the aroma of eucalyptus and cut grass.

Feelings of anxiety formed in her stomach from thinking about the shapeshifters plan. She couldn't eat her sandwich. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead and her temples throbbed.

Kicking off her shoes she felt the cool grass on the soles of her feet. As she stared into the distance at nothing the ringing of her phone startled her back to the park. It's Tracy.

"Tracy. What's up?"

"What are you doing?" Tracy asked.

"I'm having lunch at the park."

"My boyfriend thought I should warn you that the dark ones are watching you but the reason isn't clear. Be careful. You never know who they are or what they are so be cautious of everyone, even the animals."

"Thank you. Caution it is. How have you been handling it?"

"There's always a white lighter watching over me and you're going to have one too from now on."

"Ok. What about my aunt?"

"She'll have one too."

"Be careful going home."

"Ok. I'll try to stay close to others." Sophia said in earnest.

"Good idea. I'll talk to you later. Bye."

Suddenly she felt a nut hit her head; then another and another. Looking up into the trees she saw several squirrels deliberately throwing them at her.

Gathering her things she walked quickly back to the shop and was relieved to find a couple of return customers waiting for her. After they made their purchase she closed the shop early and took the subway home.

From her seat, trying to avoid physical contact, she surveyed the other passengers with suspicion. She noticed a funny looking old man with greasy grey hair and a messy appearance sitting next to an old woman whose serpentine eyes glared back at her. Her heart raced and her breathing got shallow. New Yorkers are seldom friendly but her face was menacing.

Sensing these were no ordinary strangers she got up and moved to the next car where some nuns were sitting with a small band of children.

After arriving at her stop she bolted out through the crowd and climbed the stairs to the street; caught a bus that dropped her off near her home. Than she ran the rest of the way.

Slamming and locking the door behind her she caught her breath. The kettle was whistling so she went to check the kitchen to see if her aunt was there. There was no Rose.

She turned off the gas and looked around. It was quiet except for the ticking of the clock on the mantle. "Rose, where are you? Rose! Rose!" She kept calling as she ran up the stairs to check her aunts' bedroom.

Feeling a sinking knot in her gut she twisted the knob. It wouldn't open. Banging on the door she screamed, "Rose!"

The door clicked and opened. "What is it dear?" Rose asked, standing there looking very dazed and sleepy.

Sophia gasped, "Thank god you're ok!"

"Why wouldn't I be? I remember putting on the kettle and going to my room for my slippers and it was so warm in here I got sleepy and dozed off. I guess I accidently locked the door too. I know I was bad for doing that but you look like you've seen a ghost."

"No Auntie, it's worse than that. I've experienced the dark ones today first as squirrels in the trees at a park and then as two humans on the subway. It was terrifying. I feared for you because I believe they're watching both of us."

Suddenly two pin points of light appeared in the far corner of the bedroom. The two women watched in horror as they expanded into the size of a golf ball then a little larger.

With pulsating rhythm, a scintillating mist poured out and coruscated into a thousand ever changing colors so indescribably beautiful and sparkling like glitter, and then they heard a voice softly state, "It is ok and you're safe."

No sooner had Sophia cried out "Who are you?" the apparition vanished.

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