Chapter 17

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With a gasp of amazement Sophia gazed on other large and small fast moving ships traveling through the sky whose metallic exteriors gleamed in the sunlight.

"Wow, they're all so different! And how do they keep from crashing in to each other?"

Ermit explained, "The different sizes and shapes of the ships depend upon their use and we keep careful track of our traffic of space ships in transit by robotic control."

She saw a wondrous yellow sea. There were vast rocks outlining the coastline, rocks of red, rocks of purple, rocks of all shades and tints, but the sea itself was yellow. She was perplexed as to why this was so. "What is happening? Why do the colors change like this?"

"We have two suns and one moon"

One sun had just set into the sea while another was rising on the horizon. With the new sun's ascension and the second sun's descent the colors were changing, even the air appeared to have a tint. The blurred scenery again changed its color from red then turning to purple, from purple turning to a yellow. The sea itself gradually changed color too from its previous color to blue.

"Having two suns makes a very long day." Ermit added.

"It's so beautiful! It's like being inside a rainbow!"

"Sophia, we're approaching the city so we can disembark."

With the ship sinking lower Sophia saw a vast city reaching up with immense structures, elegant, almost unimaginable fairy like buildings; creating a delicate outline against the sky.

Ermit beckoned Sophia to follow him and the door slid open. They journeyed down a long hall and came to a panel in the wall and Ermit pushed some buttons and a wall opened up and a platform appeared. Ermit bade Sophia to stand next to him. The platform lifted up by itself, moved away from the ship and began to descend to the ground.

"How are we moving?" Sophia asked

"We use levitation when we don't want to use stairs."

Once on the ground the inhabitants that greeted Sophia were strange indeed. She saw very small humanoids, like Leena, who busied themselves with things which she dimly understood using instruments for who knows what, while very tall ones moved heavy packages from place to place and did the hard work for those who lacked the strength.

"We have a heterogeneous society filled with great people from many worlds all working together for peace and mutual advancement. Krosas is mainly Pleiadian but we have many non-natives living here which we welcome and there's inter-marriage that creates new breeds like myself."

Sophia was encouraged to explore the city and meet the people, enjoy herself and relax. Leena would accompany her and at her side she learned much about the food and the fashion.

Sophia was given a domicile which had everything available to live. Leena showed her how to use the replicator for her needs so she could create her clothing, shoes, and jewelry; anything imagined. She also used it to create her food if she didn't want fresh fruits and vegetables. If she did want them, attendants would bring them upon requests.

Leena worked with Sophia on her telepathic skills by promoting she talk less and communicate with thought. Sophia would see how Leena would react to her thinking and began to receive Leena's thoughts back and could respond in kind.

She developed an understanding that telepathy wasn't to be considered a second language but a universal language of the soul. On occasion this ability would cause her to pick up a passer-by's thoughts causing her to blush whether they were aimed at her or not.

One day, Leena suggested an outing to a central park to see what the locals did for fun. The park was unbelievably beautiful and stretched for several miles.

 The colors of the plants were changing as they walked beneath a grove of tall shade giving trees. There were magenta and pink bushes with red grass on the side of a pool which had yellow-blue water and another pool with a stretch of green grass which had pink-purple water. About them was a party in progress with an amazing assortment of peoples. They were playing in the water and laughing at each other's pranks and antics while enjoying a picnic.

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