Chapter 16

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He sent a telepathic command and attendants brought in trays with bowls covered with glass lids. At the same time one pushed buttons and a table appeared out of the wall. Upon it they arranged the bowls and plates. Padded chairs would slide out so they could sit. 

There was different colored fruit and what appeared to be a salad. A bluish liquid was placed next to two glasses. The lids were removed and steam was released into the air.

"It smells so good. I'm salivating," Sophia remarked.

"Good. Please have a seat so we can enjoy this marvelous mélange of food!"

Sophia made herself comfortable in her chair and helped herself to filling her plate. Upon tasting it she couldn't believe how delicious it was saying, "Absolutely amazing! The flavors are different but I love it."

"We have very good cooks and this food comes from my planet!" Ermit declared. "It's all vegetarian and fruit.

Smiling from her reactions he filled two glasses; handing her one, "Here, my friend, share some liqueur."

Sophia was amazed by the smoothness of it. "Yum!"

After the meal was finished the attendants returned and the dishes were removed. The table and chairs disappeared into the wall.

"I will introduce you to your personal attendant who will show you to your quarters."

"You need rest and soon we will arrive at my planet."

The door slid open so they could exit the room and Ermit telepathically summoned a female to attend to Sophia's needs. She was about four feet tall, fair skinned and very pretty.

"My name is Leena. Will you please follow me?" And she took Sophia down a hall to a door that slid open and inside was a bed with some clothing lying on it. In an adjacent room was a sink and what appeared to be a shower.

"Please come in and refresh yourself. There is a garment for sleeping on the bed and shoes for you."

"This is a shower and here is a tool to clean your teeth."

Leena explained to her to hold it over her teeth and that's all she had to do. Also, she was shown the button to press to dry the water off her body.

"Here's a brush for your hair. Also, please place your cloths here and I will clean them and return them before you wake up." Giving Sophia a hug she said, "I'm so glad you're here and if you need anything just think of it and I will come to assist you." Then she turned to leave through the door after it slid open and closed behind her.

Sophia took a shower and cleaned her teeth as she was shown. Put the sleeping gown on and slippers then walked to a small window. Upon seeing nothing but darkness she turned to walk to the bed and fell into a deep sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Leena returned to the room where Sophia slept and the door slid open. Inside she found Sophia fully dressed, sitting on the edge of the bed brushing her hair. "I have brought you some food and drink and when you're done Ermit would like for you to come join him."

"Just think of me and I will return."

When Sophia was done with her meal she thought of Leena. Sophia thanked Leena for her help and followed her through the hallway until a door slid open and there stood Ermit.

"We're here Sophia! Come and see. "

As the ship moved more closely she feared for her safety as that clear barrier loomed large before her.

Sophia curiously asked, " What is that clear looking covering over the city?"

"That covering is a protective wall, proclaimed Ermit, a 'Death Barrier'. No one with warlike preparations can enter while in the flesh or of dense matter. Krosas is a very safe place."

"This whole ship will be atomically and molecularly disassembled from a control center within the city before we can enter and then be reassembled after we have entered."

"Will I feel anything?" Sophia inquired.

"You might feel some dizziness and mild tingling like when you first got here but it's painless."

"Please have a seat," Ermit beckoned as he pressed a button and two form fitting chairs emerged from the walls so they could be comfortable.

"The whole process takes a while for a ship this size to be molecularly disassembled and reassembled but no harm will come to you. Once inside we will travel to the docking station."

The ship finally transitioned beyond the clear barrier to enter the atmosphere and Sophia stood up with Ermit and walked to the window to view the world below.

"Soon we shall be down there and you can walk upon a world strange to you."

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