Chapter 4

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"What do you know of magic and shapeshifters?"

Rose, with a very concerned look, said, "Why do you ask dear?"

"Today, I had coffee with a friend I made during the tryouts. She told me about her boyfriend who's a shapeshifter and he's a member of a group of white light shapeshifters. Also there is an opposing group of shapeshifters who are out to harm mankind. That's all I know for now but I will learn more after I meet him."

"I've heard of shapeshifters before in literature of course, and through a friend but that was a while ago. From my understanding a shapeshifter needed a talisman or a magic spell. I always viewed it as folklore but my friend said all it takes is the power of imagination and will. And I never thought of it since."

"I could contact Gary who's in Europe at the moment to let him know I'm ready to become enlightened. To save the world is worth it to say the least! But before I get involved I think I need a good night's sleep," she said with a sigh and a giggle.

"Me too, Auntie, I'm exhausted."

"Tomorrow we can work on practicing the script."

Rose  leaned to pick up the tray.

"That will have to be after work though," and with a yawn, she took the tray from Rose and said, "Let me carry it."

Rose closed and locked the doors behind them.

A full moon shone over the city and was reflected on the stillness of the bay. A shadow moved in a cathedral tower of Saint John the Divine. It belonged to a large white spotted owl that was humming to its self as it watched the traffic below. Then it gave out a raspy sardonic laugh and flew off into an opening in the darkness which glowed for a second and then was gone.

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