Chapter 10

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"The opposition has infiltrated the Pentagon and FBI by killing key personnel holding dominant positions and have taken on their physical appearance. The few working and retired generals that we can trust have been alerted to the dangers surrounding them and are monitoring their areas."

Jason nodded.

"White lighters have been assigned to positions of control over all agents. The trusted generals are insisting all changes to procedures are signed off by them. They have been given white lighters for protection too.

Some of the humans and top advisors are actually white lighters that have managed to conceal their identities and the real ones have been sent to middle earth. We are watching their every step and setting up counter measures."

After he looked at his communication device, Morigu said, "It's too bad we just can't start shooting the place up and ask questions later because they're also infiltrating foreign governments like Russia, China, Germany and France. The Middle East is in their sights too.

The fight for the planet has reached a turning point as the President of the United States tries to enact executive orders to maintain some kind of control but the branches of government aren't following his policies. We're going to assume his appearance and move him to the middle earth before the Lunacians get to him first."

"I've contacted our planets' council and they're on standby as the situation heats up." Jason stated.

"What planet is that?" Sophia inquired.

"My planets name is Krosas, Jason replied.

"Where is that?"

"Krosas is midway on the spiral of our universe in the fourth non-physical plane named Ghebura."

"So, what is your mission?"

"Sophia, we only come to the physical earth to keep it safe and help man's creativity and intellect evolve. We've had our strife's and struggle's too before we learned that love is the only way. And now we offer our help throughout the galaxy to those in need."

"The earth is, without a doubt, in need." Sophia acknowledged.

"Yes, the people of earth are in danger from an external force and don't have the necessary technology to defend itself."

"How do you get here?" 

"We travel in spacecraft or sometimes with just our light bodies propelled by a mental focus of where we want to go." Jason answered.

"You're whole existence is beyond my comprehension. I don't know if I ever will understand."

"It's all evolution. Having evolved so much we became protean beings which is likened to what you humans refer to as shapeshifters but it's much different." Jason added.

"What level is Nawzak?" 

"He's from the ninth non-physical plane known as Esod and knows just enough to start trouble. Both are in the planes of subtle form. "

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