Chapter 9

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Sophia was let out, on a corner, before a two story building next to an alley. The first floor was a bar and the second was an apartment with a separate entrance off the alley. She climbed the stairs and opened an outer door to enter a hallway leading to Tracy's apartment.

Standing outside Sophia noticed a picture of a strange looking city, with a star dappled sky, oddly shaped buildings and exotic looking people dwarfed beneath them. She knocked on the door and heard it open.

"Welcome Sophia and please come in," Tracy said. "You look like you need a hug."

"I do," Sophia replied as Tracy's arms embraced her.

"Come and sit with us in the kitchen. "

"Jason, this is Sophia, my new friend I told you about."

"Greetings Sophia," Jason says warmly. "Thank you for joining us."

"It's nice to finally meet you," Sophia replied.

As they all sat at the kitchen table, Tracy poured herself tea and offered Sophia some who accepted.

"Would you like anything in it?"

"Yes, some raw sugar if you have any, please."

Jason rested his head on his hand; smiling and watching the ladies stir their tea. He pulled his brown, shoulder length hair into a ponytail, but some of it fell loose and he wrapped it behind his ears. His arms that stuck out of his T-shirt were toned and his jeans were loose on his waist.

"So, what's the story Jason?" Sophia inquired.

Jason starts to tell about a king who lives in one of the planes of the universe and wants to live on the physical earth to be with his queen who's living a life here and unwilling to return to him. "Her name was Aisha.

She committed suicide while married to the king because he was cruel and made her extremely unhappy. To be with Aisha the king must take over the planet earth and being drunk on power he won't stand for any opposition to his rule."

"How does he know where she is?" Sophia asked.

"Why telepathically. When you've been in a relationship with someone that deep you become entangled in their vibration. The king could visit his queen in dreams if he wants to," Jason replied. "Also, the Lunacians have a frequency tracking device to stalk her with."

Suddenly, Sophia turned very pale and began to get dizzy from the implications of this.

"In the entire vast universe why can't he find another queen who's more suitable for him?"

"I guess you'd have to ask the king," Jason replied.

"What is his name?" Sophia asked.


Jason explained, "Love is the king's motive and will be his downfall as he attempts to regain his queen. It will cause him to do foolish things to get her back and that's what our plans of defense are centered around."

Just then a crow fluttering outside the kitchen window stood on the ledge and pecked on the glass. Jason got up and opened the window. It walked in. Jason placed it on the floor and sparks from electrons began to form an undulating helix.

A continuous shimmering, luminous light swirled around, alternately increased and decreased and began to takes form. It got taller and taller until it reached over six feet and solidified into a man's body with golden brown skin, and wavy black hair; clothed in a black jump suit. He said in a slight East Indian accent, "Jason how are you doing? Hi Tracy!"

Jason replied, "I'm good. Let me introduce you to Sophia. She's the newest member of our group."

"Sophia, this is Morigu."

"Hello Sophia, it's nice to meet you."

Looking into his warm brown eyes, she said, "It's a pleasure Morigu.

It's true Tracy you do get used to these transformers of energy that know what it's like to be almost anything."

They all laughed and Morigu sat at the table and began to tell Jason some news.

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