Chapter 22

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On board and reassembled, they were greeted by a warrior who touched his hand to his heart and said, "It's good to see you both again, sirs!"

They walked down the illumined hallway to the flight deck where they saw the flashing and blinking of machinery and equipment monitoring the ship; controlled by a vast computer system in another location.

Jason picked up a weapon and ran his fingers down the handle of the 'Time Stopper'. "I haven't had to use one of these in a while. The old model used negative ion-tachyon technology but now they've added more to it. Let's go to the game room and practice, "Jason said as he handed a weapon to Morigu.

"It looks like they've changed the design," Morigu noted, "I like it."

The door slid open and closed behind them as they walked down the hallway that led to the game room; the door slid open for them to enter and Jason took a station and pushed some buttons and a small clear electromagnetic energy field appeared and within it was a multi-colored aura with quick ever changing movements.

The image enlarged and the molecular structure thickened taking on a humanoid appearance. Morigu pushed some buttons on the control panel of his station and an image also formed into a humanoid looking target.

Taking aim they began shooting; the high powered beam emits particles that create an electromagnetic vortex of energy upon making contact with the form that still danced around like a pursued animal. "I keep hitting the outer appendages," Jason complained. Then he regained his aim striking the head and the heart.

As sweat formed on their brows, the pressure of the moment was sinking in; each one knowing the principle of precision in their aim. The gun stops time; everything it's aimed at ceases to move, to be. And if done right, while the target is in stasis; all negative energy is redirected to the frequency desired; from negative to positive so the demons will be forced out of the victim and sent back to where they came from. If not, the aura gets too weakened. The life force gets separated, like a broken yoke, from the physical, and the evil will still cling to the soul in the nonphysical.

"Let's keep practicing for an hour and then eat something," Morigu suggested.

"Sounds like a plan," Jason replied.

In a small room they pulled their meals out of the replicator and sat and ate. Morigu got up and pulled some cups out of a compartment in the wall and replicated a drink for them too.

"You know the middle earth is Nawzak's next move," Jason said as he shrugged his shoulders. "He's probably going to try and kidnap Rose to get to Sophia which might work in our favor."

"He knows we'll be waiting for him." Morigu acknowledged. "I wish we had the 'Death Barrier' like we do back home, to protect the inner earth."

"Yea, but we can't use that without alarming the surface dwellers, aka humans, so what we have is adequate. It's an advanced robotic system compared to what we use in New York to guard my apartment.

With a deep frustration he said, "I don't understand why the counsel didn't take care of this problem, on Lunac, when the crazy assed physicist gave the stolen technology to the planet. Demons mixed with advanced technology are a guaranteed disaster!"

Noting the irony, "Free will, man," stated Morigu, "Free will, our greatest gift can also be our greatest down fall but it's wisest to detach from outcome as things are unfolding as they should. Even if they're not advanced enough for this knowledge it's up to us to fix it."

"Fortunately, the Lunacian can only enter into low frequency humans and surface beings like animals and plants on the surface of the planet."

"Forming a battle plan for the inner earth is going to be interesting because the inhabitants, animals and plants of the inner earth are all high frequency so the dark ones will be in their actual form. They also can't enter through the poles but must use the tunnels and caves if they can survive the dangers."

"I'm going to get some rests," Jason said. And he closed his eyes and pushed his chair into recline while Morigu got up and walked to the window to see where they were.

In the distance he saw the northern lights that indicated they were close to their destination.

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