Chapter 7

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Sophia sat on the edge of the bed, slipped her shoes off and set her drink on the night stand. After fluffing the pillow she rested her head on it and as she drifted off into a dream that took her to a very strange, large room she heard a voice calling her name. "Sophia, I have been waiting for you. Sophia, come to me."

"Who are you?" Sophia asked.

"I am your king and you are my queen and now it's time you return."

"What? Are you crazy? Your queen?"

There were torches burning but not all of the room was lit and the shadowy figure moved in the dark near the hallway. She saw a silhouette of a very tall, large male next to two ornate thrones' a few feet away with some people standing around but they were lifeless. There's no sound except the breathing of the shadowy figure whose face she had not seen yet.

Then she heard, "I have been waiting for you. You ran away but now we will be together again soon."

Upon hearing that Sophia told herself, "I'm dreaming," and began to take control of her situation. She then proclaimed to the voice, "you are not going to scare me and I am not going anywhere with you!"

Suddenly the surroundings turned into a beautiful field of green grass next to the ocean and she walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down at the beach below. She saw the shape of a woman lying on her back, wearing a beautiful robe and was all alone. She appeared to have fallen and looked dead.

Then she heard the voice again, "This is how I lost you before. You thought this was the only way to free yourself from me. I can't let you do that again, my love."

Sophia tells herself again, "I'm dreaming," and states with defiance, "I can't stand for this. I will you gone!"

Then she heard the most fiendish laugh and the presence was no longer felt.

As she asked for guidance a brilliant white light spirit appeared and said, "Sophia you will be okay, you're not alone. I am just one of your guides and you're doing quite well. Stay strong."

With these words in her mind Sophia fell into a deep sleep and didn't wake up until the next morning with the sun light beaming through her window. Turning away she laid on her side.

Hanging her legs over the edge of the bed she sat up slowly and decided to take a shower. As she made her way downstairs she heard someone talking with Rose. It was a man's voice and she thought it might be Gary.

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