Chapter 25

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His assistant came out to escort Nawzak to the study where he was waiting.

Standing before him was a bent, pale, balding man. His sunken eyes and drooping smile were set upon a bony face and head.

Meekly Neshma declared, "Brother, I'm glad you came. Please forgive me for taking you away from your dear family and congratulations on making me an uncle for the first time."

"Thank you Nesh. So what is it you wish to discuss not meaning to be rude but I just want to get back to my family."

"I have been working on a plan and I wanted to run it by you. It involves an ambition beyond our wildest dreams and holds numerous risks for many but none the less I'm intrigued."

Nawzak stared deeply into Neshma's eyes and said, "My wildest dreams have already been realized but does this have anything to do with your quest for power over the universe?"

"I have told you before I don't want to go there."

"Hear me out dear brother,"

Nawzak grasped the hilt of his heavy sword growing impatient with the intent of the conversation. Remembering the jealousy Neshma carried for years, being the youngest and sickly; it was a constant conflict of wills. Assessing the moment, Nawzak struggled to suspend harsh judgment of his brother.

"I can forgive you as you have been ill for most of your life. Your nurse, it was discovered too late, had been a sorceress into evil demon worship. She influenced you to seek power from the dark forces to make up for your short comings. I curse her but you are a shell of a man standing before me corrupt to the core. Should I just kill you now which would be the easiest for me in the long run?"

"Nawzack, share some wine with me, please."

As Neshma filled two chalices of wine he gave one to Nawzak.

"Here's a toast to you and your growing family. I salute you!"

Nawzak drank the wine to the bottom and began to feel dizzy and grabbed the arm of a chair to steady himself but he lost his balance.

Glaring at Neshma he shouted, "You bastard!"

"Let me help you into the chair dear brother. There you go."

Neshma ordered his assistant to get the sorceress now.

A while later a tall skinny dark haired woman appeared in the doorway carrying a book and candles.

"Did you drug the king?"

"I did" and Neshma pointed to a chair in the middle of the room.

The sorceress saw the king slumped in a chair and complimented the prince on a job well done.

Book and candles were set on a table in a way to create a make shift alter. Next she drew a pentagram around the king and lit the candles. She began to read aloud from a book of magic spells.

As the words were spoken a wind began to blow through the room tossing papers to the floor. Whirling vortices of fire and flame appeared and points of light filled the chamber. Indistinct guttural voices reverberated announcing a demonic presence. Suddenly through a vibrating opening in the air a demon form solidified.

Neshma shrieked and hid behind a book shelf sticking his head out to watch in awe and fear.

The demon finally hissed and stated, "This soul is too pure and cannot be possessed for long."

"What must be done so he's right for you?" the sorceress asked.

"He must do harm to those he dearly loves. After he performs the evil he will be mine forever." The demon said with a hiss.

"What harm is this?"

"First he must destroy the moral integrity of all of his people."

"Second, he has a child. I want her purity and her blood. On her tenth birthday I will defile and destroy her." the demon stated and hissed.

"Why ten years?"

"It will take that long to lower the energy of the people of the planet to dark thought and deeds and I prefer children at that age. I consider it a delicacy." Hissss

"Okay. May Neshma kill the king and take his place to rule?"

"If that were to happen I would lose Nawzak's form and take the princes. I find that an unsavory outcome. I have my standards you know." Hisssssss

"So be it, I have summoned you and now I direct you to enter this soul until the evil is fulfilled."

"As you command", the demon responded with a long hisssssssssss.

Around the king a large vortex and small bolts of electricity began to form. As the energy swirled, it got smaller and smaller until it became one and disappeared into his body causing it to convulse wildly.

His tan skin turned an ashy color and his light brown shoulder length hair began to grow white as if his life force was being sucked out of him. Once the union was complete the king looked as himself again in his drugged sleep.

He slept all night and awoke with a very bad feeling and a memory of an awful nightmarish dream. He was alone in the study and walked out to the court yard to get his horse and his men to go back home.

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