Chapter 23

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One day Ermit said, "Sophia it's time that we take a ride to a very special place. It's a little distance but I'm sure you'll enjoy the sights!"

She stepped into the side of a craft that quietly hovered above the ground and Ermit pushed some buttons and it began to move up wards and forwards to an altitude where she could see a vibrant, glittering world created by and filled with superior beings.

She saw magical buildings with strange projections on them and others that were tall pyramidal structures and circular metallic domes. There were bridges that stretched tower to tower above sparkling rivers and all the while flying over city to city she saw the beautiful colors changing leaving her to question if she was dreaming.

"We're going to an observatory where you will meet some very wise people."

Ermit lowered the craft and positioned it near a building and attendants came out.

"Here is the great observatory!" declared Ermit. "An observatory from whence the births of worlds are witnessed by the use of special rays of light. Here the secrets of universe are uncovered, the surface of distant worlds observed even as we now surveil the surface of this planet. Distance is not a limitation."

"As I mentioned before we monitor all the worlds, not for power but for peace. We can look into places of government, into churches and into homes to intercept any warlike preparations."

After they walked through the entrance, there were several walls with large screens measuring six feet long by five feet high. On them Sophia saw many events happening in the universe. The pictures were amazing. Here was one in which a world was being born.

A change in Sophia's immediate attention was drawn to what looked like very important-looking individuals involved in a disagreement. Voices were raised, and hands too. Papers were thrown about with a shocking disregard for propriety. At the front of an auditorium a man with a red face was speaking frantically.

"We have to move in now and prevent the Lunacian ship from positioning itself in the center of the equilibrium!" he said.

Sophia was shocked and fearfully asked, "Are we in danger?"

"Don't worry; it's just that Nawzak has begun to move on to his phase two. But it won't lead to a total catastrophe like he hopes although some damage will probably happen."

Ermit looked deep into Sophia's eyes and informed her, "You can help us lessen this catastrophe too you know."


By taking control of it with us and changing the outcome," Ermit responded. "Just as we perfected superb scientific skills millions of earth-years ago, and perfected the faster than light travel, we have perfected a special apparatus whereby the Akashic Records itself can be tapped."

"I have never heard of it before and I admit I'm afraid but I will do my best."

"Very well, you will enter within the special apparatus to see all that happened in the past on planet Lanoc. Everything is recorded in the ether and rises to the Akasha. All of your actions, your joys and sorrows; everything that has brought you to this moment still exists and can be accessed and changed. "

Sophia faced the machine and trembled where she stood. Ermit patted her back and reassured her safety. She stepped into the entrance and sat in the seat and leaned back in the chair. The screen began to become activated by her energy and the she felt as if she was moving through space.

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