Chapter 19

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As she waited in the café patio, Sophia ordered a drink. It reminded her of Ermit when she shared that first dinner with him on the ship. It seemed so long ago but it hadn't been any more than a few months; it was that she was having so much fun.

While she got lost in the surrounding sights and music a voice called her name.

"Sophia! I've come for you!"

Turning to the direction of the voice she was astonished by the handsome looks of the gentle soul sent as her ride to Leena's.

"Thank you for coming for me. It's nice to meet you -____?"

"My name is Leonidas but you can call me Leon."

"Thank you Leon."

"Here let me help you into my chariot beautiful lady!"

"Thank you," Sophia replied, blushing as she could tell his thoughts and knew he could tell hers.

"So anyway, it's not far but the view will be glorious."

As they travelled through the night sky above the city the view was breathtaking. There were plenty of night travellers in the sky like them too. The route taken was over the central park that was filled with lights and night activity. It seemed this world never slept but still felt like a beautiful dream; a beautiful, stressless, never ending dream.

Leon gestured to one of the buildings. Sophia saw a high rise roof top. It had four separate sections, walkways, sparkling pools and lush plant growth. In the center was a pinnacle but it was hard to make out the detail of the layout from her vantage point. At the top of the pinnacle was a landing pad.

After Leon set down on the landing pad he got out to help Sophia disembark the craft. The exits over here and he guided her to a pod.

The door of the pod opened and a voice said, "Good evening. Which floor would you like?"

"Take this woman to the roof top", and then he said to Sophia, "I'm dropping you off to find a spot in the garage. It's just a floor below. I'll be right back."

The door of the pod closed and in moments the door opened. Sophia stepped out and looked around. What she saw was a breathtaking garden with plants thick and lush, surrounding a pool filled with partiers, and milling guests on the walk way. Tables abundantly laden with food and drink were set out. It was a lively bash and Sophia's first.

Guests were tall and small, Annunakian, Pleiadian and from other worlds and Leena could be found in the center of them all, laughing her head off. Her party was a big hit.

Leena was so happy to see Sophia.

"Sophia!" She laughed, "Have some food and drink."

"Okay, I will!"

Leon guided her to the tables and asked her, "Would you like a drink?"

"Yes, please. I'll have whatever you're having."

"Oh my goodness the food was incredible," she said to herself as she grabbed a plate and began to fill it with food she'd never had before. Tasting and sampling as she went.

Leon came up with a glass of something for her and she took a drink and couldn't believe how good it was.

He filled a plate of food for himself too and they found a little spot to sit with a table.

Music was playing and some were dancing these strange dances. Guests were laughing hysterically at each other's pranks and antics. There was mild suggestive behaviour that seemed to fall right into place; not embarrassing Sophia anymore.

She began to move to the music while she talked to Leon as they ate and drank. Exclaiming, "Life is so amazing!"

"Would you like to dance Sophia?"


He led her to the dance floor and they began to move to the music. Sophia danced the only way she knew and Leon tried to mimic her. He placed his hands on her hips and looked deep into her eyes and she didn't look away.

"May I kiss you?"

"Yes," she said as she moved up to him.

As he leaned in, her heart began to beat fast from euphoria; she wanted him now and she knew he felt the same.

"Shall we find a place somewhere private?"


"Okay, I'll get my craft and be right back."

Leon came back and found Sophia on the landing pad. He held her hand and they walked to his craft and entered it.

"Shall we go back to your place?"


She kissed him again and said, "You know how I feel."

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