Chapter 12

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"Thank you for arriving on time," Simon said. I have assigned your parts so take out your script and listen for it."

He rattled off their names and their assigned roles.

"Now, I will give you a half hour to look over the lines and then we will move on stage. I want you all to relax and focus. This is a comedy so please get into the spirit of it and I hope that none take issue with the content. By all means, do begin."

Silence ensued as all got lost in the script and then it was time for the dry run.

The two men who were to play Stephen and Drew began their lines as Simon watched and listened for the right nuances and import.

Sophia watched intently unaware of the spiders that were dropping on threads from the ceiling.

As Tracy was watching the actors, something was bothering her and she began to look around. Then she looked up and grabbed Sophia's arm and pulled her up on to her feet just as the spiders hit the chair. When the bugs landed Tracy hit them with her script and in a spark they vanished.

Tracy sighed, "This isn't a good sign."

Sophia gasped, "What should we do?"

"I think we need Morigu inside with us. I'm going to text him now."

Simon glared in their direction and sternly ordered them to sit.

"We're so sorry but there were some spiders that almost landed on us."

The actors commenced again and Morigu was seated behind the two women but had no interest in the play as he scanned the room. A potted cactus caught his eye and he gazed at it for a while; sensing it wasn't organic, he approached it. It started shooting spines at him.

He moved quickly and silently and pounced on the plant. Both disappeared into a dark murky opening without a trace. Moments later Morigu walked in from the lobby and sat down again scanning the room.

Sophia walked on stage to rehearse with the man she was to exchange lines with and she noticed he had eyes like the old woman on the subway and she dropped her script and backed away.

Simon was freaking out and demanding order as he reprimanded Sophia's unprofessionalism.

Morigu barked, "We have to go now - grab Sophia!"

"Mr. Weller, I can't do this because my Aunt is very ill and I can't concentrate. I'm so sorry."

Simon ordered Sophia to leave because he couldn't take anymore disruptions.

Tracy added, "I- I have to go too because I forgot that I was supposed to bring my sister home from the hospital. I'm very sorry."

"I want you both to get your shit together," Simon warned. "See you Thursday and you had better be rehearsed."

"You won't be disappointed and thank you so much. Good night."

"How do we get home Morigu?" Tracy asked.

"Hold on I'll show you," Morigu replied as he disappeared into the darkness and transformed into a huge black swan.  "Hop on. Let's go!"

High in the night sky they could see the bright lights of New York and it was breathtaking. The women laughed with glee.

Morigu declared, "This landing is going to be a little awkward trying to maintain my inconspicuousness because I have to land in the ally way and when I do you guys run upstairs. Don't look back no matter what."

As Morigu landed in the alley he was joined by a small mass of white lights swarming around. As the girls dismounted, a dark form smashed into his side and slammed him up against a brick wall. The white lights began to grow bigger and surrounded the form, emitting bolts of electricity but then other dark forms appeared and a fight ensued.

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