Chapter 18

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Sophia was beginning to distinguish somewhat the native dwellers of this world apart from the visitors from afar. About the pools there were those who appeared very masculine and those who were extremely feminine and a third group of people who were obviously gender neutral.

The inhabitants were very congenial and accepting of each other's sexual proclivities. She never witnessed displays of inhibition from anyone there except her own.

Leena began to laugh at the frolicking and turned to Sophia and said, "I'm having a party at my place tonight would you like to come?"

"I would love that."

"Great! I've invited long-time friends and they would love to meet you."

"My place isn't far from here. It's on the other side of the park. As Leena boarded her small craft she said smiling, "I have to leave now and finish preparations so I could pick you up later."

"Okay. I want to come."

"Do you want a ride back home?"

"No thank you. I want to walk. It's only twenty minutes away."

Sophia walked back to her domicile thinking of what she'd wear. As the last sun of the day set, the colors were changing again; even the air appeared to deepen its tint. The blurred scenery again changed its color from a shade of purple to a deeper shade of purple, and the sky went dark.

A soft breeze blew upon her and lifted her hair off her shoulders. The glass and metallic entrance of the high rise opened up and she walked down a hall to a door with flashing lights on a panel on the side. A voice spoke and said in recognition, "Hello Sophia".

The door of a small metal pod opened for her to enter and sit. It levitated to her floor within moments where the door opened for exit. She walked down a hall to her studio door that opened for her.

Kicking off her shoes, she walked to the window and looked down on the streets of the beautiful city with so many tall magical buildings of different shapes and sizes beneath a night sky. So many ships filled with travellers commuting through the air and people walking on the huge ornate, well lit, thoroughfares between the buildings. Lights were everywhere of so many colors; it looked like Christmas.

She got an idea of a casual dress she saw on another woman and went to the replicator where she entered the thought into the machine. Within minutes a beautiful shiny blue dress began to take shape and developed to full density.

Running her hands over the smooth fabric, it was soft like silk and velvet with a type of lace she'd never seen before. She next entered her thought for sandals and they were a perfect match for the dress.

There was a table where she set out her makeup and hair ornaments. She found a couple of combs and pins to lift up the sides of her hair off of her ears. She applied a little makeup and put on the dress.

As she stood in front of the mirror she loved what she saw. Then she replicated a pair of chandelier earrings and put them on. "Okay," she thought, "I'm ready." As she purposely cleared her mind she picked up thoughts from Leena. "I'm sending someone to get you. They will arrive within the half hour."

"Okay, I'll be ready and waiting outside in the cafe."

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