Chapter 3

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On the way they passed some shops and stores of Times Square and talked about what they saw inside and dreamed. Slowly, a careful cyclist wove through the crowd and a small tottering child held a string tied to a bright pink balloon with one hand and her mother's hand with the other. All-around were brightly dressed people going somewhere lost in their thoughts sparked with emotions of past or future.

Just up ahead they saw the large red letters on the façade above the entrance and a bright red canopy that extended from the front door to the limit of the sidewalk. Passersby couldn't help but walk beneath it.

"It's nice and so cranberry," Sophia remarked.

After they purchased their coffee they went upstairs where there was more seating. The room had an available table next to the window that had sun and a street view and there they dropped their purses and sat.

Tracy was no taller than Sophia. Her wavy blond hair touched her shoulders and spilled down her back. As she poured cream in her coffee she asked, "Where did you learn to act?"

"I learned from my Aunt Rose whom I live with. Having been a well-known actress when she was young she later started an acting school. There are easier ways to make money but I've loved acting ever since I was a child."

"And during the day I'm a sales clerk at a dress shop. It pays my bills and I can still pursue acting.This is my first Broadway play!" " 

"No kidding. I got a job at a department store selling perfume."

"You're very lucky to have such good family support. After many auditions I landed small parts but this is my first Broadway play too!"

"Tracy's hazel eyes sparkled as she proclaimed, "I also have a wonderful boyfriend who owns a bar." His name is Jason and he's into magic or something like that. He's a shapeshifter. He sees things, you know; strange things. His awareness is beyond normal."

Sophia looked into Tracy's eyes and saw she was serious and asked, "In what way?"

Taking a deep breath, she continued, "He sees beyond the surface of the physical and into the molecular structures of the things that surround us. He can communicate with the atoms and molecules. I have seen him do it and I don't know what to think about it except to be in awe."

"He belongs to a group of white light shapeshifters that are working on something big. They're being challenged by another group of shape shifters that are of dark frequency with evil plans for this planet and beyond. That is all I can say for now."

"When you meet Jason, he can tell you more but it sounds serious the way he explained it."

"Do you mean our planet and the universe?" stammered Sophia.

"Yes. It could be on a multidimensional level as well. I am not sure."

"I look forward to meeting your boyfriend and I'm glad we met."

Glancing at the watch on her cell phone Sophia gasped, "Oh, it's gotten late. I have to call my Aunt and tell her I'm on my way."

Once outside the two wished the other a good evening and waved their arms to hail a taxi which drove them off to separate parts of the city.

Sophia pulled out her key to open the front door and inside she found Rose in a dimly lit living room resting on the sofa. Rose sat up and turned on the table lamp.

"Well, I did it!" Sophia declared and proudly handed her the script.

"I'll be, Eastern Standard". This is a good comedy. I can see you getting the lead!"

"I kept your food warm, so eat, and then after we can talk."

"Okay. I want to first change into something more comfortable,"

Returning in sweats and slippers, she quietly ate her savory dinner of rack of lamb, mashed potatoes and green beans while Rose prepared a tray with a couple of cups.

As the kettle of water was warming up on the gas stove, Rose asked, "Would you like some Chamomile tea, dear?"

"Yes sweetie with some cognac too."

Sophia quickly cleared the table and washed her plate and utensils in the sink and set them in the strainer.

With a nod and a smile, Rose said, "consider it done!" she picked up the tray and carried it from the kitchen out to the balcony; placed it on the wicker table next to the chairs and took a seat.

"Sophia, which do you want first?"

"The cognac of course."

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