Chapter 8

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"Ah, Sophia let me introduce you to my friend Gary Ian. He's a quantum physicist who has made significant contributions in the fields of theoretical physics, philosophy and neuropsychology and on top of that has written some books on esoteric matters too! He's a very busy man and I'm so lucky to have him as a friend," Rose said glowingly.

Tall and athletic, Gary towered over them both. His nerd chic tweed jacket hung over his faded jeans and his greying hair glistened in the sunlight framing a handsome face.

With one hand tucked in his pocket and his other one holding Rose's hand, he said, "Why, thank you my love. I value your friendship above all else, after all, we were engaged once." His blue eyes gazed into hers as he tenderly kissed her hand causing Rose to blush.

With their mutual admiration expressed Gary turned to Sophia and extended his hand, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you dear Sophia. I've heard many good things about you and I understand we have some work on our hands. From what Rose told me we're dealing with a matter of earth shattering proportions."

Sophia taking his hand in hers said, "I am so grateful for your help."

"Fear not as we figure this out and I will provide all the help I can. So, what information do you have so far?" Gary inquired.

"I believe we are dealing with a dark force of shapeshifters and I have met a few; once as squirrels and then as humans." Sophia replied.

"It sounds like they've mastered the transmutation of both human and animal energy fields which is very advanced." Gary paced a bit. "A colleague and I were discussing the ramifications of this transmutation theory of mine a few years back."

"Before the quantum field is the subtle field and before that is the causal field. You see, a protean being is free of all physical limitations and is very powerful. This level of awareness is guided by imagination. It's electromagnetic energy projection, and can manipulate physical matter beyond any commitment to it."

Sophia sat down on the couch and leaned her head back looking up at the ceiling. She flashed back to the dream she had the night before and tears formed in her eyes and she said, "On that same day a couple of white light shapeshifters appeared in Rose's bedroom as points of light that spoke to us."

" I don't understand how it works but from what I've seen, so far, do you suppose they're beings somewhere in between physical and not?"

"Yes, they are," Gary replied.

"But, but how? I still don't understand?"

Gary goes on to say, "Another way of putting it is this; the protean reality or life principle is quite distinct from the physical or material reality. It's a finer grade of matter and can manipulate by simply molding atoms and molecules into what's desired by the electromagnetics of mind."

"These protean beings are only limited by their imagination. But please note you're just as strong as they are if you lose all fear and tap into your life principle."

"Does this mean that for one of our lifetimes they can have as many as they want?"

"Yes, they can and do."

"What is the life principle Gary?"

Gary sat in a living room chair to face her and explained, "In ancient past it was called Aether, an old discarded theory which I refuse to let go of, but anyway, it is said to permeate all creation: the atomic structure of the universe and its multi-dimensions."

"Within the vast universe there are multiple earths in multi-dimensions as well and apparently the dark ones have learned how to travel between them."

As he turned to Rose he said, "I have several meetings to attend to so I must leave now. I shall return in a few days but until then my love; and he kissed her hand again."

"Thank you dear Gary. We'll be waiting here and will try to keep our wits."

"Call me if you need anything."

Rose and Sophia walked Gary to the door and closed and locked it behind him then looked at each other and sighed.

"I have to go to Tracy's later to get more answers. Also rehearsal starts tonight so I'll be home late."

"You'll be okay since you have me, Gary now and an overseer to defend you," Rose said to reassure.

"I'll be lucky to read my lines straight."

"Well bring your jacket in case it's cool and maybe wear some sneakers."

"Yes, so I can run faster."

Sophia called a taxi and sat on the deck with Rose until it arrived.

Once inside, the taxi driver asked her, "Where to?"

On the floorboard of the back seat she saw a tiny speck of white light.

Protean Beings - Frequency ShiftersWhere stories live. Discover now