Chapter 26

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The king's horse is a beautiful steed and had been with the king for years taking him into battle and long journeys. As Nawzak approached the horse it began to whinny with excitement to see his master but then began to neigh and buck.

The stable attendants tried to calm the horse.

Nawzak shouted, "It's all right. It's me. I'm not a monster come to ride you into hell!"

The horse calmed down and let Nawzak climb up on his back and they began the journey back to his home.

That night he did not sleep with the Aisha and found he desired heavy drink and impulsively slept with a maid instead. He never returned to the royal bed chamber again and avoided the queen at every turn.

From then on he would ride with his men into the villages and take the women in wild orgies and encouraged his subjects to indulge in every form of debauchery imaginable.

One night a group of men and women approached a temple with torches in hand. Their children followed behind them. They stood outside and shouted, "This temple is claimed for the devil and all those within must rescind their opposing faith or die. We are taking it over!"

The temple priests and priestesses protested. The head priest proclaimed, "Esoteric knowledge can give you anything you want. This hidden knowledge if studied would give you absolute power."

"Do not to fall into deep negative energy and turn against our unity of the one being within us all. "You are gods; sons of the most high. Defy the demons that seek to rule you!"

Not convincing the rabble they were all raped, tortured and ritualistically killed. The unifying god was replaced with demon worship and strange rituals of black magic.

War broke out between nations of Lunoc over trivial matters and since Nawzak held the strongest army he would subject them to his rule.

Anyone who could escape the agonizing evil that befell the planet ran and hid in the countryside. Aisha moved to an isolated cottage far, far away in hopes of raising Brina in an ethical environment.

She brought with her the few trusted and loyal servants and guards left to her. They lived off the food they grew and raised. There were small groups of indigenous neighbors that helped them adjust to this simple life and made sure they had all they needed.

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