Chapter 20

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They entered her domicile and she offered him a drink but he declined. As they exchanged thoughts of passion it was as though they already moved into the future.

She slipped off her shoes and loosened her hair; unzipped her dress and it dropped to the floor revealing a black lacy chemise. Reaching under the hem line she lowered her panties to the floor and kicked them to the side.

He walked up to her and ran his hands over her heaving breasts and kissed them, then licked her neck tasting the salt on his tongue. He dropped to his knees to lift the bottom of her chemise; gently kissing her stomach; he slowly worked his way down, to between her thighs as she moaned softly.

Her hands explored his thick, sandy blonde hair. She could feel the sweat begin to form on his scalp. Gently pulling down on his ear lobes she slid her fingers off in a rhythmic motion.

Leon steadied Sophia's balance as she began to arch her back. He rose to his feet and pulled off her chemise then picked her up in his arms to place her on the bed. The blood rushed through her like liquid heat; making her feel like a bundle of nerves awaiting pleasure from head to toe and somehow even beyond it. When he removed his clothing she lost her control and he was lost too.

With the last drop of passion drained from their loins, Sophia couldn't believe the deep satisfaction she felt. Drawing the conclusion it wasn't just the fact that Leon is irresistible, but the telepathy was adding a dimension of closeness and excitement she'd never experienced before. Running her hand over his muscular chest; she kissed his lips and fell into a deep sleep.

In the morning the two made breakfast, showered and headed to the mountains for a hike and picnic. As they approached the forest, it was shimmering and changing color as the new sun climbed the sky. There were birds flying across the field to encircling trees, while other creatures fed on the grass. The sun was now high in the sky warming the flowered field they walked on.

A herd of huge creatures unknown to her were running in a circle with nothing chasing them.

Leon pointed out a peak with some trees a quarter of a mile away saying, "It's a good distance for our hike and I think you'll like the view." He held out his hand to her, and taking it, she walked by his side as they made their way through the high grass of the field.

Sophia felt some sweat form on her forehead and a mild breeze picked up as if responding to her desire to feel less warm. The grass was changing between blue and green; and pockets of sweetly scented flowers were scattered about on the tousled field. Bugs would fly up to their face; stare then fly away. At the peak they shared a small boulder to view the beautiful valley below with its magenta river running through it.

"This is marvelous."

Within the clump of trees was an old growth tree bearing a full canopy of leaves for shade and beneath it Sophia laid out a blanket for them to sit on for lunch.

Leon cast off the backpack they had filled that morning with their food and supplies for the outing and Sophia unpacked lunch and placed it on the blanket.

"So, Leon, tell me a little bit about yourself? I would love to learn more about my mysterious lover. You can ask me anything too if you want."

"I'm a white lighter and I'm on leave for now. I know Jason and have worked with him before. I will be joining him soon but until then I'm not leaving your side my lady."

"I'm apparently Nawzak's wife from another life and I've been brought here for protection from him and I'm not leaving your side either."

He lay down next to her, rolled her in his arms, kissed her lips and said, "You're safe now."

Looking deeply into his blue green eyes and smiling at his thoughts she said, "Yes, I am."

After lunch they took in the view of the valley for a while. Leon pulled out a small instrument and played a tune he said he had learned as a child.

"We can walk down there whenever you like Sophia."

"I would like to go swimming."


The path leading to the river had stone slab steps positioned between the plants and flowers on the sloping bank leading down to a valley floor which was a combination of dirt and multi-colored sand.

"In the forest we forgo levitation machines to connect our bodies to nature."

"I love the mossy rock steps."

"Me too." Sophia responded, while spreading out the blanket again, on the sand.

She folded her pants legs up above her knees and walked into the water to feel it; came back and removed her cloths.

"It's perfect for me."

Leon joined her in the river for swimming and floating; letting the current take them a little ways and swimming back.

"The second sun is coming in a few hours. I love it."

After they made love in the water Leon said, "I want to see you as much as I can if that's all right with you?"

"You know the answer to that."

"I have a meeting to attend for the next few days concerning your planet but all you have to do is think of me and I will send my energy back to you."

"Okay darling. Thank you for all of the joyful magic you've given me!" Sophia said, as she bestowed a kiss on his sweet lips.

Back at Sophia's place Leon got the door of his craft for Sophia and accompanied her to the door of her domicile and kissed her goodbye.

"I'll be back."

"I'll be waiting."

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