Chapter 11

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Sophia mulled this over and said, "I remember Tracy mentioned Nawzak wanted to take over our planet but how is he going to take over the universe?" 

"To all of our amazement, he thinks that by projecting a mega-huge negative polarity into the Aether it will reverse positive eternity but it won't. What it will do is increase the gamma radiation throwing off the balance and cause some major damage which will take a while to clean up."

Walking to the sink to get some water Jason continued, "The Aether has formed a thick multi-dimensional barrier to protect the higher levels of consciousness and can't be pierced."

"Nawzak's imagination isn't big enough to ever succeed in taking over but one of our head physicists defected to Lunac and took some very sensitive material with him turning the king into a delusional knuckle head."

With a furrowed brow he proclaimed, "There's not much you can do except kick his ass to bring him back down to his limitations. "

"How did that happen? Sophia wondered.

"Our social order is very translucent and altruistic so we're very advanced. Somehow this trusted physicist went dark from one of his experiments and left behind his wife and kids. He learned that Lanoc was primitive and had fallen under the control of a dark force and wanted to join it. He advanced Lunac with robotics, magnetics, space ship technology and weaponry that it had never had before."

"The Kings every move is being watched and we have to counter his plans with as much subtlety as we can muster to prevent panic in the human population. There will come the time when all hell breaks loose but we're still hoping they won't catch on. " Morigu added.

"How will you stop them?"

"We have developed our 'Time Stopper'. It's dangerous to fix a problem this way but it will cause the least damage," Jason replied.

"We have to be as precise as we can when we target someone because it stops everything it's aimed at. Rogue frequencies can be moved to the frequency we want; from negative to positive."

Rolling her eyes, Sophia sighed. "Could life get any stranger?"

Jason paused and said, "You know Sophia I sense a past incarnation in you that is directly related to what is taking place. Is there something you want to share with us?"

"I think I am Aisha," Sophia muttered.

"What? Speak up," they said in chorus.

"I said, I think I'm Aisha." Sophia now crying, "I'm so sorry and I hate to think this horrible mess is happening because of me. I have these terrible dreams of a king who wants me back and I'm going crazy because they won't stop."

"Whoa. " Astonished, Jason said, "Looking at our options here we can either move you to our planet where Nawzak wouldn't dare follow or we can hide you in the inner earth but we couldn't stop Nawzak from trying to pursue you there. We also have to double up your protection. It's okay and don't worry as we figure this out."

"I'm going to contact the command ship and find out what they recommend."

"So Jason, how do you stay safe here in your building? "

"We have a field around us that's controlled by robotics and lower frequencies of the dark ones are prevented from entering."

"I hate to bring this up but Tracy are we going to rehearsal? "

"What do you think Jason," Tracy asked?

"Yes, go ahead but bring Morigu with you."

"I hope you understand that your dreams and aspiration will eventually be put on the sidelines. And we don't know what's going to happen tonight."

"We understand," Sophia and Tracy replied.

"Tracy, call me when you get there."

"Yes love," she said, as she kissed him.

"Don't act suspicious ladies. Okay?"


"Morigu let me have a word."

"By letting Sophia go we will know what Nawzak knows about her. If he tries anything do what you can and get them back here fast. You'll have more reinforcements too. Good luck."

"Don't worry man. I'll keep 'em safe," Morigu said as they hugged with a slap on the back.

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