Chapter 15

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As Sophia's atoms and molecules began to solidify, dizziness filled her head and she felt a tingling in her nose causing her to sneeze; making her feel as if she was swirling around and around in a wild vortex.

She heard a voice say, "You won't completely solidify as on earth and the further we move into the non-physical you will become even more dispersed. All of your reactions are quite normal"

A hand reached out to help her descend the platform where she had reassembled. "Welcome Sophia. My name is Ermit"

At first she gasped but her breathing slowed and composure returned. What she saw greeting her was so different from anything she had ever seen to present. Ermit was very tall, perhaps a little over six feet. His body was humanoid but he had the head of an eagle.

"Please forgive my fright. I don't mean to be rude. It's a pleasure to meet you!" Sophia responded, in a giddy reverence. "I'm in awe of your appearance! Are you Anunnaki?"

"Yes, but I'm only half. My father is Anunnaki and my mother is Krosian."

"On your planet you think that Man is the Earth human but here we know Man is the divine consciousness that enters into physical form. Man inhabits all worlds and planets with the sole purpose to expand all that is."

"Earth humans, but not limited to the species, for example the Lunacian's, are under our watch. Developing species that display a violent and hostile nature in their world or against other worlds and their inhabitants are monitored and sometimes destroyed if it appears hopeless."

As Sophia pondered this dualistic concept she concentrated on her new surroundings. Her heart beat increased in tempo from her amazement of being on an alien ship. She perceived to be inside a strange room of the craft that had quite fantastic machines and apparatus standing about with flashing and blinking lights. They were completely beyond her understanding of what they were or their use. The walls were luminous and the floor was a shiny, grey metal.

"If you stand here and look out the window you can observe the speed of our craft to the passing stars as we travel through the void." As Sophia walked to the window to stand beside him there was no sign, no sensation of motion as she observed stars that formed an almost hypnotic blur and she turned away.

Inviting Sophia to look at a large screen to show her the magnificent sight of their destination he explained, "We're on our way to my galaxy where you will be safe." Sophia saw a planet with several huge cities and each one was resting upon a massive surface that appeared to be metal and covering its upper portions was a material which was clearer than glass.

Sophia asked, "Is that glass?"

"No," Ermit replied.

Ermit pressed a button and what was beneath that transparent sheen became magnified and she could observe oddly shaped buildings with normal and different looking people dwarfed beneath them walking within a well-lit city. It reminded her of the painting outside Tracy and Jason's apartment. This city was as large as half the continent of North America.

"Any questions you may have please, feel free to ask me. I will do everything possible in the hope to set you at ease."

"How is this ship propelled?" Sophia inquired. "I don't feel any motion."

"We use a form of magnetism based on cosmic energy. The force is picked up from the cosmos by special collectors on the surface of the ship and is conducted in the engine room. We also use a network of conductors in the interior of the ship to neutralize the force of gravity so it's always most suitable for us."

"Magnetism is everywhere in the cosmos: planets, stars, gaseous nebulae, entire galaxies and the overall universe are all magnetic."

"I remember playing with magnets as a child but I've never heard of cosmic magnetism before to move objects. Wow!"

"Yes, one shouldn't overlook the power of magnets," Ermit chuckled. "Also, we have special devices which automatically offset the effect of sudden turns or high speed stops and robotics navigate our course. From the mastery of gravity we can move about the universe at will visiting different planets constantly for our purposes."

"You must be hungry. I know I am. I will summon some food for us." Ermit softly announces.

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