Chapter 6

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Trembling and clinging to each other, Rose asked sobbing, "Are we going to be okay?" 

Sophia answered, with a sigh of relief, "They must be the ones assigned to us and yes we will."

"I've never seen anything like that. I'm still shaking and my palms are sweaty. If it had been the others we would have been done for."

Fearfully, Rose asked, "What do you mean?"

"We're in danger now from the dark ones so we need overseers and we just met them."

"Rose, did you call your friend in Europe?"

"I'll call Gary now to see if he's back!"

"I need a drink; how about you?"

"Oh my, yes!" Rose replied.

Making their way down the stairs, Sophia tried to steady herself but her knees were weak and she held tightly to the hand rail while Rose rested her hands on Sophia's shoulders.

Rose took a sip of cognac and proclaimed, "It's like Gary said, all it takes is the power of imagination and will but I had no idea you could wreak havoc on the world with it!"

"While you call Gary I'll call Tracy to let her know what just happened!"

The phone rang a few times before Tracy's answered, "Hello Sophia. I heard you had an interesting day."

"Tracy, I had a terrible day! And how do you know?

"The dark ones appeared as squirrels in the park and then as two old people on the subway. I'm too terrified to go anywhere and we have rehearsal tomorrow.

 What am I going to do? I can't stop living my life but I'm scared out of my wits!"

"We also met the overseers who appeared as apparitions here in our home! How on earth do you handle it?"

"I declare you get used to it dear, believe it or not, said Tracy. And your guardians informed us they made contact."

"The dark ones feed on your fear so control your emotions and keep faith that you are protected."

"Look, we're in the midst of a battle now and it's only going to get more intense as they become bolder. None the less we're still going to rehearsal as scheduled but together. Ok?"

"I- I guess so. I'm still trembling. I just know I'll mess up my lines." Sophia said, as she took a big swig of brandy.

"Just relax."

"Here's my address ...; so come by tomorrow afternoon and meet with Jason and from here we can go together to rehearsal in the evening. Don't hesitate to call me anytime you need to talk. Okay?"

"Okay. Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow and good night." Sophia said anxiously.

"Good night."

"I don't know if I want to save the world anymore Rose! I don't think I can handle it." Sophia started to sob.

"There, there dear. It looks like we're in the middle of it now so let's muddle through it the best we can."

"I left Gary a message and he should be calling soon."

Just then the phone rang and Rose reached for it. "Gary, thank god! Are you in the states because I need your help? You are, great. Please come over, I need to talk with you as soon as possible. Tomorrow, okay. Thank you."

 "If you were listening Gary will come by tomorrow early."

"I did hear and that would be a relief to get more answers. I'm so exhausted from the excitement I'm going to lie down and try to rest," Sophia replied.

"Yes, you go and lie down dear. I can make you some soup later if you like."

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