The Same

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"My Mom's gonna kill me." Gigi groaned as we pulled back into Harmon.

Kelly's cousin Thomas did in fact take us out, we hit up a few clubs and he even showed us around their downtown area a bit too and found a new club getting ready to open as well.

He'd told us how that club was going to be having a huge opening next weekend and that we definitely needed to come back, of course we all agreed.

"Hey you can crash at my place." I said.

"Thanks...I'll still get lectured but at least I'll be able to get some sleep first." She said as she yawn and turned down the street to my Kelly's house.

After we dropped her off we easily made our way over to my apartment.

I unlocked the door and kicked my shoes off. We both made our way into my bedroom and I offered her an oversized t-shirt to sleep in and as she got undressed I went into the bathroom to get into a sleep shirt too and also remove the heavy make-up I'd worn out tonight. I picked up my hair and looked ta my reflection. I grimaced at myself before I turned and made my way back to my room. We both got into my bed and she fell asleep almost immediately.

But I laid there for a while just thinking.

I couldn't help but think about tonight.

While I love spending anytime with my best friends, and honestly Thomas had taken us to a couple of great spots that played the decent music...I couldn't help but sort of feel...blah.

Like this was nothing new.

Even though the venue was new it was essentially all the same.

Same drinks, same music, same vibe, same scene...and in a way maybe I was getting tired of it all.

I sighed, at almost 22 I didn't know where my life was going.

I knew I was a huge disappointment to my parents, an embarrassment to my sister and even my friends... though we all party together, even they have their shit together...or at the very least they know what they're doing with their lives.

As I laid there I couldn't help but wonder what I could do to shake this new found funk I seemed to be in.

I thought about skipping the club opening next weekend altogther but my friends were actually really excited about it.

'Take a break after.' My wolf suggested.

I shrugged and sighed, "Maybe."

'Go to school.'

"For what?" I asked.

"Hmmm?" Gigi sounded groggily.

"Nothing go back to sleep."

I laid there silently a moment so as not to bother Gigi again.

'Don't need answers now...take action.' My wolf sounded in response to us going back to school.

I thought how I wouldn't even know where to begin.

'Mom.' My wolf replied confidently now.

Once again I sighed and this time I turned on my side and whispered, "I don't want to disappoint her more."

'Then we work them we're trying to be better.'

I nodded as I knew I was seriously thinking about going through with this now. I grabbed my phone and set an alarm knowing my mom is an early riser and if I wanted to catch her before she got too busy I'd have to be up early.


"What in the hell?!" Gigi shouted as she jumped up.

I grabbed my cellphone and felt my eyes burn from the too bright light.

"You put an alarm?" Gigi yawned.

I nodded, "I have to go see my mom...You can stay here if you want." I said knowing both she and Kelly had a key to my place.

"Cool, Thanks." She said getting comfortable again.

I got up and tried to find an outfit I knew my mom would like but something that was still true to my own style.

I finally settle on pair of slim fit black jeans, and a black and white horizontal striped top, and for the "mom approved" touch I paired it with a burgundy blazer and a simple black heel.

To be honest the blazer made me feel like I was a valet worker...but I knew my mom would appreciate the "respectable" "polished" look.

I pulled my hair down from it's confines, ran a brush through it, added a little seasalt spray and gave it a little scrunch for some waves.

I kept my makeup pretty bare minmum and neutral. I grabbed my purse, keys, and phone and finally went on my way.

Of course it didn't take me long to get to the pack house and I noticed my Dad's car was already gone too.

I let out a sigh of relief.

Don't get me wrong, I love my Father with everything I have in me, but as much as I know he loves me, he's never exactly been silent about his distaste for my current lifestyle.

But he just didn't get it...none of them would.

"Mom?" I sounded as I walked in.

I found her in her office and she immediately walked over and pulled me into a hug.

"You heading out?" I asked as I noticed she was a little more dressed up than usual.

"I have a meeting with a client this afternoon but nothing pressing...did you need something?"

"Oh you're busy...I'll just come back...-"

"Nonsense...I'll never be too busy for you Gracie." She said as she leaned against her desk and gave me her full attention now.

I nodded, "Thanks Mom...Uh, honestly I was wondering if maybe you'd help me?"

"What do you need sweetheart?"

"So...don't get your hopes up or anything but I've been thinking about finally going to school." I admitted.

To be honest I had terrible grades towards the end of my required schooling, and it honestly came as a surprise to all of us that I even graduated.

"Well sweetheart, I won't pretend that I'm not proud of you...becuase I am." She smiled. "That being said, do you know more or less what you're thinking about going to school for?"

I shook my head, "No, I was thinking about just focusing in on the basics right now then once I'm there I'll start looking into the various programs and career options the school offers."

"I understand...and I like that you're being reasonable, Well if you're ready we can go over to the University and talk about options available to you."

I nodded, "Hey mom, just two thing... one I'd like to go to school over in no mans land."

"Oh." She sounded.

"Nothing against Harmond's a great school, but to be honest I kinda want a semi-college experience by going to school out of town...even if it's only the next town over."

She smirked, "Hey I get it...and that's fine...granted we've got a few rogue sighting near The Banks these past couple of weeks, I couldn't ever deny you your wish to go to school out of town."

I nodded, "thanks...second...uh, could we keep this between us for now."

"Gracie, this is a big step for you." She tried to assure me. "You father and sister are going to be so proud of you."

"I know's just..." I sighed and got real with her, "What if I don't stick with it, then It'll just be another thing that I mess up, just another disappointment to add to my list of fuck-ups."

She made a face of distaste at my cussing but ultimately nodded her understanding before we both took off.

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